ruhyadi / yolo3d-lightning-archive

YOLO for 3D Object Detection
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# YOLO3D: 3D Object Detection with YOLO Python PyTorch Lightning Config: hydra Code style: black Template

⚠️  Cautions

This repository currently under development

📼  Demo


📌  Introduction

Unofficial implementation of Mousavian et al. in their paper 3D Bounding Box Estimation Using Deep Learning and Geometry. YOLO3D uses a different approach, as the detector uses YOLOv5 which previously used Faster-RCNN, and Regressor uses ResNet18/VGG11 which was previously VGG19.

🚀  Quickstart

We use hydra as the config manager; if you are unfamiliar with hydra, you can visit the official website or see the tutorial on this web.

🍿  Inference

You can use pretrained weight from Release, you can download it using script

# download pretrained model
python script/ \
  --tag v0.1 \
  --dir ./weights

Inference with

python \
  source_dir="./data/demo/images" \
  detector.model_path="./weights/" \

⚔️  Training

There are two models that will be trained here: detector and regressor. For now, the detector model that can be used is only YOLOv5, while the regressor model can use all models supported by Torchvision.

🧭  Training YOLOv5 Detector

The first step is to change the label_2 format from KITTI to YOLO. You can use the following src/

cd yolo3d-lightning/src
python \
  --dataset_path ../data/KITTI/training/
  --classes ["car", "van", "truck", "pedestrian", "cyclist"]
  --img_width 1224
  --img_height 370

The next step is to follow the wiki provided by ultralytics. Note: readme will updated in future.

🪀  Training Regessor

Selanjutnya, kamu dapat melakukan training model regressor. Model regressor yang dapat dipakai bisa mengacu pada yang tersedia di torchvision, atau kamu bisa mengkustomnya sendiri.

Langkah pertama adalah membuat train dan validation sets. Kamu dapat menggunakan script/

cd yolo3d-lightning/script
python \
  --images_path ../data/KITTI/training/images # or image_2
  --dump_dir ../data/KITTI/training
  --postfix _80
  --train_size 0.8

Pada langkah selanjutnya, kita hanya akan menggunakan model yang ada di torchvision saja. Langkah termudah adalah dengan mengubah configurasi di configs.model.regressor.yaml, seperti di bawah:

_target_: src.models.regressor.RegressorModel

  _target_: src.models.components.utils.RegressorNet
    _target_: torchvision.models.resnet18 # edit this
    pretrained: True # maybe this too
  bins: 2

lr: 0.001
momentum: 0.9
w: 0.4
alpha: 0.6

Langkah selanjutnya adalah dengan membuat konfigurasi experiment pada configs/experiment/your_exp.yaml. Jika bingung, kamu dapat mengacu pada configs/experiment/demo.yaml.

Setelah konfigurasi experiment dibuat. Kamu dapat dengan mudah menjalankan perintah, seperti berikut:

cd yolo3d-lightning
python \

❤️  Acknowledgement