rundeckpro / training-service-oriented

Service oriented rundeck
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These examples support Rundeck basic training where you will learn how Rundeck integrates with other tools, use Jobs to provide self serve automation, and how to automate the setup of Rundeck itself.

The example shows Rundeck supporting a continuous delivery process for a webapp called "simple". Rundeck jobs manage the webapp deployed to a set of tomcat instances in the "simple" app environment. The jobs handle utility tasks as well as deploy the webapp, and manage the app startup and shutdown of the tomcat instances, too. The webapp deployment can be triggered by a Jenkins build or directly by a user.

The example also shows a flexible way Rundeck can manage tomcat instances by treating each instance as if it were on its own node. This can be useful if in some environments tomcat instances share hosts to minimize foot print or be deployed to their own hosts for isolation or horizontal scaling.

There are a number of interesting integration points between Rundeck and other tools in the example, too. The Jenkins Rundeck plugin is used to trigger Rundeck job execution, as well as, provide lists of build artifacts to rundeck jobs. An Apache httpd instance is used to play the role of a cheap and simple WebDAV repository to store scripts and other files shared with Rundeck.


To run the examples ensure you have:


Check out the source files for these examples:

git clone

Then change the working directory:

cd training-service-oriented


The vagrant config defines three VMs:


Bring up the 3 VMs:

vagrant up 

You should see output similar to:

Bringing machine 'b2d' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
Bringing machine 'app1' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
Bringing machine 'app2' up with 'virtualbox' provider...

After the b2d VM is running, you can login to Jenkins and Rundeck:

You can also access the simple webapp on each tomcat instance:

You can ssh to any of these boxes using "vagrant ssh {box}". For example, to login to b2d box do:

vagrant ssh b2d

Running the example

  1. Login to Rundeck and run the "status" job
  2. In Jenkins, run a couple of builds for the "simple" project
  3. Login to Rundeck and run the "deploy" job using one of the builds

The "simple" project

A Rundeck project called "simple" contains the jobs and nodes to manage the delivery of the "simple" web app.


Seven jobs are loaded into the "simple" project:

Several jobs are organized into a "utils" group since they support the other jobs and aren't typically used directly. The jobs are defined in YAML format and loaded during setup. (source)


The project is configured with a set of nodes that represent the VMs managed by vagrant but also nodes that represent each of the tomcat instances. This service oriented resource model uses the Rundeck Node concept and extends it to represent a software deployment.

Each tomcat instance is modeled as a Rundeck node. This makes it possible to execute job steps within just the node context for each tomcat instance.

The node for each tomcat instance also specifies a different system login to use to execute the commands. This helps isolate each tomcat instance from each other since they are co-located on the same host.

You can see the resource model as a text document by accessing it via the Rundeck Web API:

Rundeck logins

The Rundeck instance is configured with several logins. Each is given different levels of access via an ACL policy file.

Try logging in as each of the users and notice which jobs you are able to see in the Jobs page. Also notice, that only the admin user can edit jobs.

See the example ACL policy file: simple.aclpolicy

Under the covers

You might be interested in how this working example was constructed.

Each of the VMs uses a set of provinsiong scripts. The first server, "b2d", uses three scripts:

While on the app1 and app2 VMs, the following script is used: