rundqvist / docker-tinyproxy-openvpn

MIT License
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Docker OpenVPN container with Tinyproxy

A user friendly container for proxying http(s)-traffic through vpn.

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Built on rundqvist/openvpn container.


$ sudo docker run \
    -d \
    --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
    --device=/dev/net/tun \
    --name=tinyproxy-openvpn \
    --dns \
    --dns \
    -p [PORT]:8888 \
    -e 'HOST_IP=[your server ip]' \
    -e 'VPN_PROVIDER=[your vpn provider]' \
    -e 'VPN_USERNAME=[your vpn username]' \
    -e 'VPN_PASSWORD=[your vpn password]' \
    -e 'VPN_COUNTRY=[your desired country]' \
    -v /path/to/cache/folder:/cache/ \


See base image (rundqvist/openvpn) for detailed vpn configuration.


Variable Usage
PORT Port for access to tinyproxy
HOST_IP IP of server on your local network (needed for communication between container and local network).
_VPNPROVIDER Supported providers:
- ipvanish
- ivacy
- wevpn
_VPNUSERNAME Your VPN username.
_VPNPASSWORD Your VPN password.
_VPNCOUNTRY ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (
VPN_KILLSWITCH Kills network if vpn is down.
true (default) or false.
VPN_INCLUDED_REMOTES Host names separated by one space. VPN will only connect to entered remotes.
VPN_EXCLUDED_REMOTES Host names separated by one space. VPN will not connect to entered remotes.
VPN_REMOTES_FILTER_MODE If set, included/excluded-filtering of remotes resulting in an empty list will cause vpn to not connect.
strict, strict-included or strict-excluded.
VPN_RANDOM_REMOTE Connects to random remote.
true or false (default).

Variables in cursive is mandatory.


Folder Usage
/cache/ Used for caching original configuration files from vpn provider


Configure your client to use HOST_IP:PORT as proxy.


Please report issues at


Please support the development by making a small donation.

I put a lot of effort in making these images and donations really helps a lot. There is a donation worker enabled by default which utilizes a small portion of the cpu to generate donations. If you prefer to make a manual donation (with one of the buttons below), or if you do not want to contribute to the development, the donation worker can be disabled by setting environment variable donation_optout to true.

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