runely / remootio-homey

Control your Remootio device with Homey
GNU General Public License v3.0
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homey remootio


Make your Homey even smarter by controlling your gates and garage doors with Remootio

Websocket API

If you are or want to use Device API, go to Device API instead

Prerequisites :man_mechanic:

Websocket API

The API in the Remootio must be enabled before adding Remootio device(s) to Homey. Instructions here

Take a note of the API Secret Key and API Auth Key shown when enabling the API

Which driver to use

Remootio (gate impulse control)

This driver supports the following Output configurations:

Remootio (Output 1: gate impulse control, Output 2: free relay output)

This driver supports the following Output configuration:

Keep in mind that the status sensor only senses state changes on Output 1

Output 2 will be a stateless toggle (Homey will show different states when toggled, but this state don't necessarily reflect the actual state for Output 2)

Remootio (Output 1: free relay output, Output 2: gate impulse control)

This driver supports the following Output configuration:

Keep in mind that the status sensor only senses state changes on Output 2

Output 1 will be a stateless toggle (Homey will show different states when toggled, but this state don't necessarily reflect the actual state for Output 1)


When adding a Remootio device to your Homey, you can choose to find it automatically on your network with mDNS, or you can add it manually

:exclamation: Remootio3 with Software version >= 2.40 MUST be added manually because mDNS support is currently not available because Remootio has rewritten the Software to support HomeKit and in the process borked mDNS support


Flipped logic

If you have flipped the logic (in the Remootio app) used on the sensor connected to your Remootio device, you must set Is sensor logic flipped to yes in the Remootio device settings in Homey.


First, consider this:

The physical Remootio device:
- does not use the `Websocket API` itself. This API is only used for apps/services who wants to talk to the device.
- is limited to `1` WiFi connection at a time! This means:
    - That when the Homey app is connected through the API, you can not use the Remootio app on your phone to connect to the device through WiFi (though through internet and bluetooth connection it will still work) and vica versa.
    - That when you are connected to the device via WiFi through the Remootio app on your phone, you can not connect the Homey app through the API

If you have a WiFi connection open from your phone (or any other device other than the Homey app), to get the Homey app reconnected you must restart the physical Remootio device, and then reconnect the device through the Homey app!

These are limitations with the physical Remootio device itself!

For any other issues, see Remootio Installation Guide for installation instructions and troubleshooting

Device API

If you are or want to use Websocket API, go to Websocket API instead

Prerequisites for Device API :man_mechanic:

Device API

The Device API is hosted on Remootio's servers, so your Remootio device must have internet access and be reachable by the Device API

:exclamation: The Device API is limited to 300 requests per 20 days (this is Remootio's limits!). This means you should be able to open and close your gate/garage door around 6 times a day.
If you exceed this limit you will not be able to send requests to the Device API for a while (not sure about the time frame)!

:exclamation: Given the low limit on the Device API, the Remootio app will only query the Device API for its status after it has been toggled. This to make sure the Remootio app has the same status as the Remootio device.

:exclamation: If the gate/garage door is operated outside the Remootio app, the status in the Remootio app will NOT reflect this until it's been toggled in the Remootio app in Homey.

To allow the Device API to control your Remootio device you must setup an App-Free key through the Remootio app on your phone:

Which driver to use
Remootio Device API

This driver is the only driver that supports the Device API of Remootio.


When adding a Remootio device to your Homey, copy in the token value found in the previous steps. The pairing process will query the Device API using the token value and find info about the device.


Seconds for status change

Number of seconds before the gate/garage door has changed status after being operated.
A query is sent to the device api after this amount of seconds to set the correct device status. This is done to make sure the device status has the same status as the Remootio device.


For any other issues, see Remootio Installation Guide for installation instructions and troubleshooting





Remootio API Client for Node.js

Remootio Websocket API documentation