runi95 / turtle-control-panel

A website for monitoring and controlling ComputerCraft turtle activities
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Add sprites to atlas generator #15

Closed SolsticeSpectrum closed 1 month ago

SolsticeSpectrum commented 2 months ago

Since atlas generator can already display most of the world, it would be nice to have the same for items

runi95 commented 2 months ago

Definitely agree with this, would be great to have the generator create both texture atlas (as it does today) and a sprite atlas as well!

runi95 commented 1 month ago

Ran into quite a few issues with this one, especially trying to run gl in a Node backend without node-gyp (due to how many issues people have with node-gyp in general). I ended creating a separate portal for the asset-generator that let's you import assets because gl can always be used in a browser environment.