runi95 / turtle-control-panel

A website for monitoring and controlling ComputerCraft turtle activities
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cc cc-tweaked cctweaked computercraft computercraft-tweaked minecraft react websocket websockets

Turtle Control Panel

A control panel that lets you monitor and control your ComputerCraft and/or ComputerCraft: Tweaked turtles through a WebSocket connection.


The turtles show up on the dashboard where their online status, activities and fuel consumption can be easily monitored.


Clicking on a specific turtle brings you to that turtle's control panel where you can monitor it, change its current activity, manipulate its inventory or simply watch it move around in the world.

The 3D map only shows you what the turtle can see (or have seen) and may not be a realistic interpretation of the world as it may have changed since the last time the turtle inspected the blocks. It is highly recommended to use this control panel along with at least one of the supported mods for rapid world discovery:


Before you begin make sure that Node.js is installed, then clone the project with git clone and make sure your working directory is within the cloned project.


# Change the working directory
cd server

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Build the server
npm run build

# Start the server
npm start

Or optionally run as dev

# Change the working directory
cd server

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Start the server in development mode
npm run dev

Environment variables (all optional)


# Change the working directory
cd portal

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Start the portal
npm start

Environment variables (all optional)


Run the following command inside your turtle:

> wget run
> edit startup.lua

NOTE: Make sure to edit the connectionURL variable in startup.lua (on the turtle) to your own IP address (or server URL). If you want to run this on a local server on localhost then check out this CC:Tweaked guide on Allowing access to local IPs.