runi95 / turtle-control-panel

A website for monitoring and controlling ComputerCraft turtle activities
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Turtle reproduction #7

Closed SolsticeSpectrum closed 2 months ago

SolsticeSpectrum commented 4 months ago

Similar to turtle gambit, it would be nice if the turtles could reproduce so the user doesn't have to ever physically join the server

runi95 commented 4 months ago

I don't really want to automate this task because it really doesn't seem that fun or useful to me, but I could make it possible to do this manually via the UI. Right now you can craft the turtle and place it using the build module so all you'd really need for this is to be able to interact with the new turtle so that you can create the startup script.

How does that sound?

SolsticeSpectrum commented 4 months ago

Yeah! Controlling the turtles would be really nice. Idk if it's already possible to also move them manually or make them place signs but that would be a nice feature too. And when doing this manual control, a reproduction macro could also be added so user doesn't have to input manually all the steps.

SolsticeSpectrum commented 4 months ago

Basically remote control for movement, breaking, placing and so on would also be nice. With the ability to put text on signs as well and a macro to reproduce.

runi95 commented 2 months ago

This one should now be possible. You'll need to have a Chest with a Wired Modem connected to it, this allows you to seamlessly move items between the chest and the turtle.


  1. Gather the necessary materials to craft another turtle from the chest (hold down shift when dragging items to choose the amount).
  2. Either equip a Crafting Table or stand next to one to use the Craft peripheral action.
  3. Either use a pre-placed Disk Drive (easiest) or craft and place a Disk Drive.
  4. Place the newly crafted turtle adjacent to the Disk Drive.
  5. Gather the necessary materials to craft a Floppy Disk.
  6. Use the Craft peripheral action to craft a Floppy Disk.
  7. Make sure your turtle is facing the Disk Drive and drop the Floppy Disk into it.
  8. Use the drive peripheral to Create file and name the file startup (put the contents of turtle/startup.lua into this file).
  9. Move next to the turtle you placed down earlier.
  10. Use the turtle peripheral to Reboot the turtle.

Once you've done this one time you can skip most of this process by just leaving the Floppy Disk in the Disk Drive. Then all you need to do is place the new turtle next to the drive and reboot the turtle to create another one.

Note that you need to use the "Build" button to place down blocks.