runtimesoftware / runtime-backup-manager

Backups up databases and folders on a computer and optionally uploads them to remote storage
Apache License 2.0
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Runtime Backup Manager

Backs up databases and folders on a computer (usually a server), uploads them to a remote storage (optional) and sends email alerts to server administrator (optional).

Target Platforms: Windows 7, 8, 10 with .NET Framework 4.6 or higher

Usage instructions and Available Options

  1. Download the setup from Installer \ Bin folder (rsb_setup.exe)
  2. Install on the computer you would like to backup
  3. Run the software from the shortcut created on desktop 'Runtime Backup Manager'
  4. Use the 'Settings' button to configure different settings as described below
  5. There are 3 types of backups you can configure: a. MSSQL Server b. MySQL Server c. A Local Folder
  6. There are 2 possible backup options: a. Local backup on same computer or network drive b. Remote backup to Amazon S3 bucket (from a certain local folder)
  7. E-Mail alerts can be setup for following 4 types of actions: a. Successfull local backup b. Successfull remote backup c. Failed local backup d. Failed remote backup
  8. After defining all settings, click 'Close' to come back to main screen.
  9. Initially, the status of background service will show 'Background servie is not installed'
  10. Click on 'Install' to install the service so that backup tasks can run. This is required to ensure backup tasks run in the background even when no user is logged on the system.
  11. If service is successfully installed, the status will change to 'Background service is installed'

Build Instructions for Latest version