rushisangani / RSSelectionMenu

An elegant selection list or dropdown menu for iOS with single or multiple selections.
MIT License
351 stars 91 forks source link
dropdown dropdown-menus dropdownbutton dropdownlist ios list multiselectdropdown multiselectpopupwindows popover popovers rsselectionmenu select-multiple selectbox selection selectionmenu swift swift-3 swift4 swift5


An elegant selection list or dropdown menu for iOS with single or multiple selections.

Demo Video


What's new in 7.1.3

Already using? Migrate to 7.1.3


iOS 9.0+ | Xcode 8.3+ | Swift 3.0+



pod 'RSSelectionMenu' or pod 'RSSelectionMenu', '~> 7.1.3'


Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate RSSelectionMenu into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "rushisangani/RSSelectionMenu" ~> 7.1

Then follow below steps:


Simple Selection List

let simpleDataArray = ["Sachin", "Rahul", "Saurav", "Virat", "Suresh", "Ravindra", "Chris"]
var simpleSelectedArray = [String]()

// Show menu with datasource array - Default SelectionStyle = single
// Here you'll get cell configuration where you'll get array item for each index
// Cell configuration following parameters.
// 1. UITableViewCell   2. Item of type T   3. IndexPath

let selectionMenu = RSSelectionMenu(dataSource: simpleDataArray) { (cell, item, indexPath) in
    cell.textLabel?.text = item

// set default selected items when menu present on screen.
// here you'll get handler each time you select a row
// 1. Selected Item  2. Index of Selected Item  3. Selected or Deselected  4. All Selected Items

selectionMenu.setSelectedItems(items: simpleSelectedArray) { [weak self] (item, index, isSelected, selectedItems) in

    // update your existing array with updated selected items, so when menu show menu next time, updated items will be default selected.
    self?.simpleSelectedArray = selectedItems

// show as PresentationStyle = push .push, from: self)

Multiple Selection List

let selectionMenu = RSSelectionMenu(selectionStyle: .multiple, dataSource: simpleDataArray) { (cell, name, indexPath) in

    cell.textLabel?.text = name

    // customization
    // set image
    cell.imageView?.image = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "profile")
    cell.tintColor = #colorLiteral(red: 0.2745098174, green: 0.4862745106, blue: 0.1411764771, alpha: 1)

Cell Selection Style

selectionMenu.cellSelectionStyle = .tickmark
// or
selectionMenu.cellSelectionStyle = .checkbox

Presentation Style - Formsheet, Popover, Alert, Actionsheet

// show as formSheet .formSheet, from: self)

// show as popover .popover(sourceView: sourceView, size: nil), from: self) 

// or specify popover size .popover(sourceView: sender, size: CGSize(width: 200, height: 300)), from: self)

// show as alert .alert(title: "Select", action: nil, height: nil), from: self)

// or specify alert button title .alert(title: "Select", action: "Done", height: nil), from: self)

// show as actionsheet .actionSheet(title: nil, action: "Done", height: nil), from: self)

Auto Dismissal

Prevent auto dismissal for single selection

selectionMenu.dismissAutomatically = false

Event Handlers

On Dismiss

selectionMenu.onDismiss = { [weak self] selectedItems in
    self?.selectedDataArray = selectedItems

    // perform any operation once you get selected items

On WillAppear

selectionMenu.onWillAppear = {
    /// do something..



Cell Style - Right Detail or Sub Title

let selectionMenu = RSSelectionMenu(selectionType: .single, dataSource: dataArray, cellType: .rightDetail) { (cell, item, indexPath) in

    // here you can set any text from object
    // let's set firstname in title and lastname as right detail

    let firstName = item(separatedBy: " ").first
    let lastName = item.components(separatedBy: " ").last

    cell.textLabel?.text = firstName
    cell.detailTextLabel?.text = lastName

selectionMenu.setSelectedItems(items: selectedDataArray) { [weak self] (item, selected, selectedItems) in
    self?.selectedDataArray = selectedItems

// show as default self)

Custom Cells

// create menu with multi selection and custom cell

let selectionMenu = RSSelectionMenu(selectionStyle: .multiple, dataSource: customDataArray, cellType: .custom(nibName: cellNibName, cellIdentifier: cellIdentifier)) { (cell, person, indexPath) in

// cast cell to your custom cell type
let customCell = cell as! CustomTableViewCell

// here you'll get specified model object
// set data based on your need


#### Header Row - Empty, None, All, or Custom
// To show first row as Empty, when dropdown as no value selected by default
// add first row as empty -> Allow empty selection

let isEmpty = (selectedDataArray.count == 0)
selectionMenu.addFirstRowAs(rowType: .empty, showSelected: isEmpty) { (text, selected) in

    /// do some stuff...
    if selected {
        print("Empty Option Selected")

Empty Data String

// show message 'No data found'

// or
menu.showEmptyDataLabel(text: "No players found")

DataSource - Equatable conformance

struct Employee: Equatable {

    let empId: Int?
    let name: String?


class Person: NSObject {

    let id: Int
    let firstName: String
    let lastName: String

    init(id: Int, firstName: String, lastName: String) { = id
        self.firstName = firstName
        self.lastName = lastName

UI Customization


// right barbutton title - Default is 'Done' selectionMenu.rightBarButtonTitle = "Submit"

// left barbutton title - Default is 'Cancel' selectionMenu.leftBarButtonTitle = "Close"

#### SearchBar
- Set Placeholder, Tint Color
// show searchbar with placeholder and barTintColor
selectionMenu.showSearchBar(withPlaceHolder: "Search Player", barTintColor: UIColor.lightGray.withAlphaComponent(0.2)) { [weak self] (searchText) -> ([String]) in

    return self?.dataArray.filter({ $0.lowercased().starts(with: searchText.lowercased()) }) ?? []


See Example for more details.


RSSelectionMenu is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.