russellvt / hockey-info

Flask app that utilizes the NHL API.
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flask-application hockey nhl


An app written in Python utilizing Flask and the NHL API to present hockey data in a simple and easy to view manner with a focus on mobile users


I do this for fun, there is absolutely no warranty or guarantee with any of this. I don't have rights to anything the NHL does, just another hockey nerd that knows a few neat programming tricks trying to help others absolutely

Python Virtual Env Setup (venv)

It is best practice to setup an isolated Python3 "virtual environment" for any project. Many IDEs may do this for you, automatically. However, if you need to do this yourself, this is the basic method:

python3 -m venv venv-hockey
. ./venv-hockey/bin/activate
pip install pip setuptools wheel --upgrade
pip install -r requirements.txt

You can then work within this project without affecting other Python envs, or your system installation. Once you are done, you should be sure to deactivate the environment.


How to run it?

flask run

It will start a server running on localhost and accessible on port 5000 (

If you need to run it on a different port invoke flask thusly

flask run --host=

If you happen to have a Docker server you can use hockey-info-docker to deploy it.