Closed jhfoo closed 4 years ago
The current firmware files in the repo will probably not work on the T-Watch. The T-Watch has 8MB PSRAM and a 16MB flash, it is different then the T-Display. I can compile a version that might work on the T-Watch if you would like to test it.
Try the firmware in the esp32-spiram-16flash directory.
Wow thank you! Trying now.
I'm not sure it's to do with your build: was able to at least put some pixels on the slow devbis library last night. Today nothing worked on the same code, even on fresh hardware. Gotta fix that before I can verify your firmware I'm afraid.
If it's any help here's my unsuccessful test code on your firmware:
from machine import SPI, Pin
import st7789
import vga2_bold_16x32 as font
import random
spi = SPI(2, baudrate=30000000, polarity=1, phase=1, sck=Pin(18), mosi=Pin(19))
display = st7789.ST7789(
240, 240,
reset=Pin(23, Pin.OUT),
cs=Pin(5, Pin.OUT),
dc=Pin(27, Pin.OUT),
backlight=Pin(12, Pin.OUT),
display.text(font, 'russhughes rocks!', 50,50,
And here's the official pinout.
Though it was listed as a supported language, online contacts at Lilygo offer support only on C/ C++. This is misleading and frustrating.
I still think this is a wonderful developer watch. You may be my best chance to get this in a working condition. Would you be interested to receive a watch of the same model in return for providing working firmware/ code for the screen?
I have a watch on order that I'll be able to use for testing once it arrives. There is no reset pin listed for the display, pin 23 is used for the TOUCH_SDA, that parameter should be removed.
I'll dig into the documentation and Arduino library and see what I can find. Did the firmware work as far as showing you a REPL prompt? Did the file system work? Were issues limited to just the display?
I have a watch on order that I'll be able to use for testing once it arrives. There is no reset pin listed for the display, pin 23 is used for the TOUCH_SDA, that parameter should be removed.
Excluding the reset param returns the following error:
ValueError: must specify all of reset/dc pins
I'll dig into the documentation and Arduino library and see what I can find. Did the firmware work as far as showing you a REPL prompt? Did the file system work? Were issues limited to just the display?
Yes the firmware booted up fine, and my AXP202 code worked as expected. I was able to manage files with Thonny and VS Code (pymakr).
Only spent time on the display; I can validate wifi after this.
Sharing a success repo someone posted on the micropython forum for the same hw. Don't think he got the fast ST7789 driver working though; maybe can combine powers? :)
My watch arrived today so I'll start working on it. Those links will be very helpful, thanks.
I have a preliminary build working with the watch and should have something to release this weekend.
Updated firmware and new example program for TTGO T-Watch-2020.
Left kudos for your work on the FB ESP32 group:
i have a 2020 t-watch. looking to use your firmware to get ST7789V working!