Closed mmx64 closed 2 years ago
Can you provide more details?
Sure, i already had a working code using your firmware(installed in december) tft = st7789.ST7789(SPI(0, baudrate=40000000, sck=Pin(18), mosi=Pin(19)),128,160,reset=Pin(17, Pin.OUT),cs=Pin(20, Pin.OUT),dc=Pin(16, Pin.OUT),backlight=Pin(5, Pin.OUT),color_order=st7789.BGR, rotation=1) tft.init() tft.inversion_mode(False) and i played around with _threading and i could not enter repl anymore, so i had to nuke flash and install new firmware. I downloaded last firmware from this repoository install it, everything works just display was rotated. I chnage rotation=(1,2,3,4) and nothing changes. After i tryed previously firmware and same result, so i try the december firmware and all works oki.
I forgot to add a default rotations table for that size display. You can work around the issue by specifying a custom table like this:
# (MADCTL Register Value, width, height, start_x, start_y)x
(st7789.RGB, 128, 160, 0, 0),
(st7789.MADCTL_MX | st7789.MADCTL_MV, 160, 128, 0, 0),
(st7789.MADCTL_MY | st7789.MADCTL_MX, 128, 160, 0, 0),
(st7789.MADCTL_MY | st7789.MADCTL_MV, 160, 128, 0, 0),
tft = st7789.ST7789(
SPI(0, baudrate=40000000, sck=Pin(18), mosi=Pin(19)),
reset=Pin(17, Pin.OUT),
cs=Pin(20, Pin.OUT),
dc=Pin(16, Pin.OUT),
backlight=Pin(5, Pin.OUT),
Last 2 build for RP2 rotation does not work, i uploaded firmware from december and rotation works!