russjohnson / SplashCMS

CFML based CMS built on CFWheels. Designed to be extremely simple and elegant.
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The 'name' field in the User object #46

Open cbishop opened 14 years ago

cbishop commented 14 years ago

There is a conflict with the 'name' field in the user object.

If you dump the user object, you'll see the name field, but it contains the value of the 'username'. I think there must be a conflict in Wheels where it gets confused. If you rename the 'name' field to 'fullname' the problem goes away.

Another place you can see this in action is on the Users/Edit screen in the admin. It doesn't pull in the 'name' information, but instead pulls the 'username'.

raulriera commented 14 years ago

This issue is addressed in 1.0.3 of Wheels... I will update Splash once we release that... (oops hehe)

raulriera commented 14 years ago

Fixed in eae687503136a0e1dfba7f43b45beeb8eb75ad5f

raulriera commented 14 years ago

This is fixed on the official repo now