russjohnson / SplashCMS

CFML based CMS built on CFWheels. Designed to be extremely simple and elegant.
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h1. Splash CMS

h2. Requirements

Splash CMS currently requires Railo 3 or higher or ColdFusion 8 or higher. MySQL or MSSQL You will need either Apache or IIS rewrite module to use the friendly url support

h2. Installation

Unzip the archive to the root of your webserver

Create a MySQL or MSSQL database named whatever you want

Open the Railo web-admin or ColdFusion admin and add a DSN for the database you created.

Open config/environment.cfm and set the appropriate enivronment for your install

Open the directory for your environment under the config directory. Rename the settings_sample.cfm file for that environment to settings.cfm ie, design/settings.cfm, production/settings.cfm and edit your datasource setting.

Use the DBMigration Plugin to "migrate" your site (will create all tables and insert the initial data)

Open the Splash Admin and login. (http://yourwebroot/admin) Default username is 'admin' and password is 'splash'

Start building your site!