rust-community / talks

Presentations, Proposals, and Requests for talks for the Rust Community
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SF: April #11

Closed erickt closed 7 years ago

erickt commented 8 years ago

@cmr: Robigalia: Building a robust Rust ecosystem around seL4

emberian commented 8 years ago

(Will likely be the same fundamental presentation as although with few weeks of additional progress)

erickt commented 8 years ago

potentially @jethrogb on

steveklabnik commented 8 years ago

I could do a remote talk about @intermezzOS

erickt commented 8 years ago

@steveklabnick: that would be delightful! You and @cmr should sync up some time to make sure you don't overlap too much.

erickt commented 8 years ago

@cmr / @jethrogb / @steveklabnik: Still interested in speaking at the April meetup? Say April 28? If so, how long would you like to speak for?

jethrogb commented 8 years ago

That works for me. I can talk anywhere from 10 to 45 minutes, not sure what is appropriate. Would prefer to be on the longer side of that.

steveklabnik commented 8 years ago

Same, I should be good, yeah

emberian commented 8 years ago

That sounds good! I can fit in the same time constraints, although if it's to be more technical it will want to be closer to 45-60 minutes.

emberian commented 8 years ago

Basically: what message are we trying to get across?

I can talk about microkernels, sel4, driver dev, trustworthy/high-assurance systems in general, (hw) architectural concerns of OS's, how to use some of the libraries I've been working on for robigalia, etc. It'd be nice for our talks have some level of coherence and good ordering.

jethrogb commented 8 years ago

The SGX stuff is largely orthogonal, although some microkernel/unikernel concepts can apply, so it might be best if I go last. Although it doesn't matter too much.

erickt commented 8 years ago

@steveklabnik: how long do you think you'd want to speak for? If it's also long, perhaps we should bump you to a future meetup?

@jethrogb: do you think you would be in person, or remote?

all: How does April 21 or April 28 look to everyone, starting around 7pm PST?

jethrogb commented 8 years ago

Both work for me. I'll be there in person.

emberian commented 8 years ago

I prefer the 28th.

erickt commented 8 years ago

I'll aim for the 28th then. I'll let you know if we can lock it in.

erickt commented 8 years ago

@cmr / @jethrogb: Drat, the 28th has already been taken. How does Tuesday 4/26 look for you two? Or Thursday, 5/5?

cc @brson

jethrogb commented 8 years ago

Both work for me.

brson commented 8 years ago

The room is booked for 4/26, but we can still change it if necessary.

erickt commented 8 years ago

@cmr: does 4/26 work for you?

emberian commented 8 years ago


emberian commented 8 years ago

@erickt I notice there's no "upcoming meetup" thingy on for this event yet.

erickt commented 8 years ago

@cmr: It's been announced!

emberian commented 8 years ago

How long should each of our talks be, or rather, how much time is allocated in total for talks?

erickt commented 8 years ago

@cmr: There is a max time of 1:30. How much time do you want? I thought you said you wanted 45-60 min in the email thread.

brson commented 8 years ago

@cmr @jethrogb The AV folks like to get slides ahead of time. Can you email your decks to me or @erickt by monday night?

erickt commented 8 years ago

@jethro: they also want to know if you have a laptop and if so, what kind is it, and what video output ports does it have?

jethrogb commented 8 years ago

Yeah I talked to @brson about this. My laptop has VGA and full-size DisplayPort.