rust-community / talks

Presentations, Proposals, and Requests for talks for the Rust Community
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Rust Community Talks

Use this repository to propose or request talks for the various meetups, conferences, and online webcasts from the Rust Community.

Propose or request a talk; no need to worry about making mistakes or giving/requesting a talk that's already been done!

See below for some ideas.

Proposing a talk

If you'd like to give a Rust-related talk, we're here to help. If you don't have a venue for your talk, we can get you in touch with leaders of local Rust meetups. If you don't have a topic, we can find something for you to talk about. If you do have a topic, we can try to find an existing pre-made talk that fits it. And if you already have a talk all planned, we can help proofread your slides. File an issue here with the details and label it with the proposal tag, and we'll work with you from there.

Requesting a talk

Would you like to see a talk on a particular topic? Something you'd like to understand better, or an interesting area?

Raise an issue with the details and label it with request, and we'll see if we can organise someone to give that talk :)

What can you talk about?

First up, there's no need to be an expert of any kind, so don't feel like you have to be in order to talk.

Secondly, you can talk about anything Rust related! Aside from looking at what other people have requested, here are some ideas:

Meetups from around the world:

Meetups map




Czech Republic:










The Netherlands:



United States:

United Kingdom:

Many thanks to Rust Sydney for the inspiration.