rust-community / talks

Presentations, Proposals, and Requests for talks for the Rust Community
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Berlin: October 2017 🐻 #55

Open johannhof opened 6 years ago

johannhof commented 6 years ago

cc @skade @emilio @fhartwig

johannhof commented 6 years ago

Hi @aep, you mentioned at the last Rust Hack and Learn that you'd like to give a talk on what your startup has been building with Rust. Thank you!

Looking at @therealpadams schedule from, I think I'd prefer doing the meetup during the week of the 16th of October. Is there any day during that week that suits you extremely well or not at all?

aep commented 6 years ago

@johannhof hi, can talk about and my new thing my schedule looks similar. 16th i'm not available. 9-15 evenings are all free.

johannhof commented 6 years ago

Ok, about a month to go! Let's get settled on a date.

@johannhof hi, can talk about and my new thing my schedule looks similar. 16th i'm not available. 9-15 evenings are all free.

Did you mean you're not available on the 16th or during the entire week of the 16th? If you're generally available during that week, I'd like to propose Wednesday, the 18th of October. Otherwise let's do it at Wednesday, October 11.

johannhof commented 6 years ago

Another thing: We have the capabilities to live-stream and/or record the event. Would both of you be okay with that?

aep commented 6 years ago

@johannhof wed 18.10 is fine with me! 11 would work as well. Yes please do recording/streaming. :)

johannhof commented 6 years ago

Alright, 18th it is, I'll create the meetup entry then!

@aep and @therealpadams: I would need a short speaker bio and a short talk summary from both of you, ideally within the next 2 weeks, since that's when we'll start the announcements.


aep commented 6 years ago

@johannhof will do today, sorry. there's some issue with github notifications. i don't get any for the mentions here. maybe same for @therealpadams .

aep commented 6 years ago

@johannhof here we go:

Arvid is a controversial break-the-whole-box-thinker getting hired to put Linux on stuff where Linux would prefer to not be with deadlines you’d prefer to not have. He’s currently CTO of superscale networks and Founder of, an organization dedicated to liberating IoT and preventing consumer lock-in.

Application container deployment for the internet of Things with rust

Solving containerization on very constrained devices will enable a new way we deliver system updates to embedded systems. We’ll learn about one possible approach with korhal’s bolter and how it ties into the interplanetary hash router to deliver content addressable system updates to microcontrollers anywhere, without a cloud.

johannhof commented 6 years ago

I pinged @therealpadams on Twitter, we'll just announce the event without a description today otherwise :)

baggerspion commented 6 years ago

You did? No signal on my end... might have poked the wrong Paul Adams :) Did you poke @therealpadams?

Sorry for the radio silence on this, it has slipped my radar. Because of work reasons I cannot guarantee that I will be free on the 18th. Really sorry to be a pain. I should be able to find you a good on-topic speaker from inside Zalando, if that is helpful.

Still happy to talk about Habitat sometime.

johannhof commented 6 years ago

@therealpadams ok! I reached out to one of our November speakers to check if they are available to give their talk one month earlier. Let's wait a day or two and see what comes out of that. I'll announce the meetup on Monday in any case, and we'll just improvise.

I should be able to find you a good on-topic speaker from inside Zalando, if that is helpful.

That is of course appreciated in any case, also for future meetups. :smile:

aep commented 6 years ago

@michaelwoerister 's talk would be an amazing fit for mine (very low level into rust internals). if he could do it.

johannhof commented 6 years ago

Ok, @regexident agreed to jump in, thank you very much! I'll announce the meetup today, please send me a short bio and talk description whenever you have time!

@therealpadams thanks for letting us know, I'll ping you in the planning issue for November, so that we might find a replacement or suitable date for you :)

regexident commented 6 years ago

@johannhof 👇


rspec and what it takes to make a BDD test framework in stable Rust

While the existence of native language-level support for unit testing in Rust is a blessing, classical JUnit-style unit testing can feel a bit antiquated at times. You. Just. Keep. Repeating. Yourself. This is where BDD frameworks come in with their shared scopes and user-friendly matchers. Rspec's aim is to provide the BDD testing experience to Rust without the need to bend over backwards or drink the nightly kool-aid. Tests should be just as stable as the rest of your code, if not more. After all who tests your tests if those break?


A mobile dev lead writing Swift at an emerging fitness/health and IoT startup in Berlin by day, and Rustacean by night, Vincent authored cargo modules and rustfmt's comprehensive configuration guide and is currently working on a modern and extensible Support Vector Machine implementation in Rust.

regexident commented 6 years ago


@aep FYI, the Github links lead to 404. Interesting project, though! Looking forward to hearing more about it soon. 🙂


johannhof commented 6 years ago

Thank you, updated!

aep commented 6 years ago

@regexident oh thanks. fixed. @johannhof the link to my github is broken too btw :P. Are we going to have livestream? if yes, where's the url for that?

johannhof commented 6 years ago

@aep shoot, sorry, I fixed it. The link is here:

I'll distribute it via Twitter/Reddit/Meetup now

aep commented 6 years ago

@johannhof that's some good recording quality, thanks for organizing that. any chance i could copy or embedd this onto our website?

skade commented 6 years ago

@aep @regexident @johannhof we regularly pull Mozilla Air content to, would you all be fine if I do that with this one?

@aep Mozilla Air states:

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License v3.0 or any later version.

So, do whatever you want: embed youtube, embed air, host your own copy :).

aep commented 6 years ago

@skade sure! youtube is easy to embedd too :)

regexident commented 6 years ago

@skade I'd be fine with that. Also the audio is missing for the first minutes of my talk. I'd be happy to provide subtitles for that timespan for Youtube (and Mozilla Air, if supported).

skade commented 6 years ago

Cool, you can subtitle all of our youtube accounts videos through here: :)

skade commented 6 years ago


regexident commented 6 years ago

Cool, you can subtitle all of our youtube accounts videos through here: :)
