rust-lang-deprecated / rust-buildbot

Buildbot configs for the Rust project
Apache License 2.0
36 stars 27 forks source link

The Rust Project's buildbot config

This is the code for the buildbot instance used by Rust at It is currently not in a condition that allows people to easily set up their own instances.

Slave configuration

Slaves communicate with buildbot through an ssh tunnel for which you'll need the stunnel tool. Use whichever version of of the buildslave software the other slaves are running.

This repo includes a configure script for creating the stunnel configuration. From within the repo, run '', enter the name, password, and master address that you were provided. This creates the stunnel configuration file called rust-buildbot-slave-stunnel-final.conf.

The first time you run this script it will start stunnel and the buildslave, but typically you would run stunnel and buildslave at reboot using cron:

> stunnel rust-buildbot-slave-stunnel-final.conf && buildslave restart slave

There is more information on slave configuration in the file slaves/

Running the Master

$ cd rust-buildbot/master
$ buildbot start

Adding a new builder

This requires some digging in master.cfg. If the new builder will be gated, you'll also have to add it in /home/rustbuild/homu/cfg.toml.

Pull requests to simplify this workflow are welcome.

It's broken!

Sometimes the queue gets stuck. The most obvious symptom is if a PR takes substantially longer than usual to build.

1) Does Homu know about the PR?

See whether the PR shows up in Homu's queue.

If the PR is missing from the queue, one can repeat the r+. If that doesn't make it show up after a few minutes, restart Homu on the buildmaster.

2) Did Homu tell Buildbot about the PR?

If the PR is listed as "pending" in the Homu queue, check for pending jobs on the grid.

If there are no pending jobs in the grid, have Homu repeat the request to Buildbot by having someone with the right permissions say @bors: retry force on the PR that's stuck.

Occasionally, a try build on which retry force didn't work will succeed after resetting state and bumping the priority with a comment like @bors r- try- r=nmatsakis retry force p=1 abc123

3) Is Buildbot running the PR?

If the grid is aware of the jobs, check for lost buildslaves. When a builder gets lost, its name will be purple and its status will include "slave lost". This means that either the host needs to be booted or the buildbot process on it needs to be restarted.

If the above steps fail, restart the Buildbot process on the production buildmaster.

Homu is dead!

If the Homu status page linked above won't load, something is wrong with Homu.

To start Homu, SSH into the buildmaster as root, then:

# screen -R             # Or `screen -S homu` if there's no screen session
# su rustbuild
$ cd /home/rustbuild/homu
$ .venv/bin/python homu/ 2>&1 | tee -a homu.log

Often attaching to the screen then killing Homu (ctrl+c) and rerunning the prior command (up-arrow, enter) is all this takes.

The Dev Environment

Consult the dev buildmaster's master/ for credentials, and log into the web interface (point your browser at the dev buildmaster's public IP, which is available from the AWS console) as any-build.

To trigger a full nightly build, append /builders/nightly-dist-rustc-trigger to the URL and force a build on the trigger builder. This will spin up the other builders and create a nightly, whose files will be uploaded to the dev-static-rust-lang-org s3 bucket at the end.

Testing Locally


To do things with this Buildbot on your local machine, you'll need to create the file master/master.cfg.txt. master.cfg reads secrets out of it at startup.

env prod
master_addy 11.22.333.4444:5678
git_source git://
cargo_source git://
packaging_source git://
buildbot_branch master
s3_addy s3://your-bucket-name-here
s3_cargo_addy s3://your-other-bucket-name-here
homu_secret RFqnZtXnRhD66qv11WOGIkuGn2YzvylOcxlqqXZmSq4RaLpXfb


# This file is a slave-name / password file that should
# not be checked in to the git repository for rust buildbot,
# just held in the master work-dir on the host it's running on

# these are aws latent
linux1 pA$sw0rd     ami=ami-a1b2c3d4 instance_type=c3.2xlarge max_builds=3
linux2 pA$sw0rd     ami=ami-a1b2c3d4 instance_type=c3.2xlarge max_builds=3
linux3 pA$sw0rd     ami=ami-a1b2c3d4 instance_type=c3.2xlarge max_builds=3
linux4 pA$sw0rd     ami=ami-a1b2c3d4 instance_type=c3.2xlarge max_builds=3
linux5 pA$sw0rd     ami=ami-a1b2c3d4 instance_type=c3.2xlarge max_builds=3
linux6 pA$sw0rd     ami=ami-a1b2c3d4 instance_type=c3.2xlarge max_builds=3

linux-64-x-android-t pA$sw0rd  ami=ami-00112233 instance_type=c3.2xlarge max_builds=1 special=true

# this is an old CentOS 6 EC2 VM used to build snapshots
linux-snap pA$sw0rd ami=ami-00112233 instance_type=c3.2xlarge max_builds=3 snap=true dist=true special=true

# these two are aws latent
win1 pA$sw0rd       ami=ami-a1b2c3d4 instance_type=c3.2xlarge max_builds=3 snap=true
win2 pA$sw0rd       ami=ami-a1b2c3d4 instance_type=c3.2xlarge max_builds=3 snap=true
win3 pA$sw0rd       ami=ami-a1b2c3d4 instance_type=c3.2xlarge max_builds=3 snap=true
win4 pA$sw0rd       ami=ami-a1b2c3d4 instance_type=c3.2xlarge max_builds=3 snap=true
win5 pA$sw0rd       ami=ami-a1b2c3d4 instance_type=c3.2xlarge max_builds=3 snap=true
win6 pA$sw0rd       ami=ami-a1b2c3d4 instance_type=c3.2xlarge max_builds=3 snap=true
win7 pA$sw0rd       ami=ami-a1b2c3d4 instance_type=c3.2xlarge max_builds=3 snap=true
win8 pA$sw0rd       ami=ami-a1b2c3d4 instance_type=c3.2xlarge max_builds=3 snap=true

# bug #21434 makes max_builds=1 fail for dist builds because DirectoryUpload hits locking exceptions
windist1 pA$sw0rd       ami=ami-a1b2c3d4 instance_type=c3.2xlarge max_builds=1 snap=true dist=true special=true
windist2 pA$sw0rd       ami=ami-a1b2c3d4 instance_type=c3.2xlarge max_builds=1 snap=true dist=true special=true
windist3 pA$sw0rd       ami=ami-a1b2c3d4 instance_type=c3.2xlarge max_builds=1 snap=true dist=true special=true
windist4 pA$sw0rd       ami=ami-a1b2c3d4 instance_type=c3.2xlarge max_builds=1 snap=true dist=true special=true

# community-maintained -- these never connect to dev
#bitrig1        pA$sw0rd               max_builds=2 snap=true
#freebsd10_32-1 pA$sw0rd               max_builds=2 snap=true
#freebsd10_64-1 pA$sw0rd               max_builds=2 snap=true

The passwords and AMI IDs must, of course, be replaced with usable values.


users = [
    ('username', 'hunter2'),
    ('otheruser', 'wordpass')

These are for logging into the Buildbot web interface.


This software is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and/or the Apache License (Version 2.0), at your option.