rust-nyc / meetups

Bootstrapper repo for organizing Rust NYC Meetups
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πŸ•οΈ Bootstrapper repo for organizing Rust NYC Meetups πŸ—½ πŸ¦€


We try and host a Meetup once a month. This reposoitory contains markdown file that tries to capture the skeleton of information needed to publish an event on our Meetup Page.

You can help by πŸ‘‰ opening new github issue πŸ‘ˆ with a participation contribution to the Meetup.

Be sure to Join our Meetup to RSVP πŸ“›


Rust NYC is always open to changes in format but the following components are typically needed for a successful recipe

🏑 Host

We need a venue that has a capacity for 50+ of our members to sit and some form of a projector for hosting talk slides

πŸ• Sponsor

Our members come hungry for knowledge and often pizza. Pizza is an expense thats difficult to cover out of pocket for large crowds. We typically partner with a sponsor, like our friends Nace Partners that help fill this need

🎀 Speakers

What keeps this community going is the interesting work the community is doing. What keeps members coming back what they learn from hearing from others experiences from working with rust


In order to run a successful Meetup we need all of the following to come together once a month and we can't do that without your help. If you'd like to help please open πŸ‘‰ a new github issue πŸ‘ˆ

Contacting us

If you feel you need to contact our Meetup organizers more directly you can do so here