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Delete unused branches #1449

Closed newpavlov closed 1 month ago

newpavlov commented 1 month ago

Right now this repository has 28 branches in addition to master, most of which were previously used for development. I think we can delete most (if not all) of them, including the inactive backport branches. If in future we will need to do some backport work, we can easily create new temporary branches from tags.

BTW I have enabled the "automatically delete head branches" option in repository settings, so future PR branches will be deleted automatically after merge. Hopefully, this change will not be controversial.

josephlr commented 1 month ago

This sounds good to me!

dhardy commented 1 month ago

Understood. I'm probably guilty of leaving many of those open (I rarely look at repo branches).

newpavlov commented 1 month ago

I deleted most unused branches, only the 4 protected backport branches are left for now. I think we can delete them as well (the most fresh one was used 4 years ago), but I will leave it to @dhardy.

dhardy commented 1 month ago

We could, but I don't see any reason to; those are all the heads of the last release versions so they could be of use to someone.

newpavlov commented 1 month ago

I am not sure that they do. v0.7.3 (the latest version in the v0.7.x release series) is tracked by this tag, while here you can see the state tracked by the 0.7 branch. As we can see it has branched from master after the v0.7.3 release.

I highly doubt these branches are used by anyone and, arguably, people are more likely to use tags.

dhardy commented 1 month ago

Good point. Okay, lets delete them.

They have certain hooks for CI testing via expression, but we don't need to change that.

dhardy commented 1 month ago


dhardy commented 1 month ago

I think someone deleted the gh-pages branch? Or an access token?

newpavlov commented 1 month ago

Oh, it probably was me.... I didn't know what a CI job needed it.

dhardy commented 1 month ago

It may just have been the Pages' "Build and deployment" setting.

It's working again now.