rust-random / rand

A Rust library for random number generation.
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A Rust library for random number generation, featuring:

It's also worth pointing out what rand is not:



Add this to your Cargo.toml:

rand = "0.8.5"

To get started using Rand, see The Book.


Rand is mature (suitable for general usage, with infrequent breaking releases which minimise breakage) but not yet at 1.0. Current versions are:

See the CHANGELOG or Upgrade Guide for more details.

Crate Features

Rand is built with these features enabled by default:

Optionally, the following dependencies can be enabled:

Additionally, these features configure Rand:

Note that nightly features are not stable and therefore not all library and compiler versions will be compatible. This is especially true of Rand's experimental simd_support feature.

Rand supports limited functionality in no_std mode (enabled via default-features = false). In this case, OsRng and from_os_rng are unavailable (unless getrandom is enabled), large parts of seq are unavailable (unless alloc is enabled), and thread_rng and random are unavailable.

Portability and platform support

Many (but not all) algorithms are intended to have reproducible output. Read more in the book: Portability.

The Rand library supports a variety of CPU architectures. Platform integration is outsourced to getrandom.

WASM support

Seeding entropy from OS on WASM target wasm32-unknown-unknown is not automatically supported by rand or getrandom. If you are fine with seeding the generator manually, you can disable the getrandom feature and use the methods on the SeedableRng trait. To enable seeding from OS, either use a different target such as wasm32-wasi or add a direct dependency on getrandom with the js feature (if the target supports JavaScript). See getrandom#WebAssembly support.


Rand is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).