Potmum is cloud note-app.
Demo: https://potmum-demo.herokuapp.com/
development mode
yarn install
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate
bundle exec foreman start -f Procfile.dev
production mode
yarn install
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate assets:precompile
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb
I have assumed the use in Heroku or dokku.
ENV Name | Type | Requirement | Description |
ENV['DATABASE_URL'] | String | x | PostgreSQL URL |
ENV['REDIS_URL'] | String | x | Redis URL |
ENV['REDIS_NAMESPACE'] | String | Redis NameSpace ex) potmum_production |
ENV['ROOT_URL'] | String | x | Root page URL. ex) http://example.com |
ENV['COLOR_THEME'] | String | default: 'blue' | |
ENV['USE_REDIRECTOR'] | Boolean | Use redirector with external link | |
ENV['USE_GOOGLE'] | Boolean | Allow login with Google OAuth 2 | |
ENV['GOOGLE_KEY'] | String | Google OAuth2 API Key | |
ENV['GOOGLE_SECRET'] | String | Google OAuth2 Secret Key | |
ENV['GOOGLE_APPS_DOMAIN'] | String | only use Google Apps Account Google Apps Domains (ex. hazimu.com, example.com ) |
ENV['USE_GITHUB'] | Boolean | Allow login with GitHub account | |
ENV['GITHUB_KEY'] | String | GitHub API Key | |
ENV['GITHUB_SECRET'] | String | GitHub API Secret Key | |
ENV['GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_URL'] | String | only use github:e GitHub Enterprise URL |
ENV['USE_SLACK'] | Boolean | Allow login with Slack account | |
ENV['SLACK_KEY'] | String | Slack API Key | |
ENV['SLACK_SECRET'] | String | Slack API Secret Key | |
ENV['SLACK_TEAM_ID'] | String | Slack Team ID ex) T0123456 |
ENV['SLACK_TEAM_NAME'] | String | Slack Team Name | |
ENV['USE_TWITTER'] | Boolean | Allow login with Twitter account | |
ENV['TWITTER_KEY'] | String | Twitter API Key | |
ENV['TWITTER_SECRET'] | String | Twitter API Secret Key | |
ENV['NOTIFY_SLACK_CHANNEL'] | String | Notify channel ex) #general |
ENV['NOTIFY_SLACK_ICON'] | String | Slack icon URL or emoji | |
ENV['NOTIFY_SLACK_TOKEN'] | String | Slack API Token | |
ENV['GLOBAL_ALERT'] | String | Footer message | |
ENV['PRIVATE_MODE'] | Boolean | Members only mode | |
ENV['USE_ATTACHMENT_FILE'] | Boolean | Use Attachment File default: false |
ENV['ATTACHMENT_FILE_S3_BUCKET'] | Boolean | Members only mode | |
ENV['ATTACHMENT_FILE_S3_ACL'] | Boolean | s3 ACL default: public-read |
ENV['ATTACHMENT_FILE_S3_HOST'] | Boolean | s3 asset host | |
ENV['ATTACHMENT_FILE_S3_KEY'] | Boolean | s3 access key | |
ENV['ATTACHMENT_FILE_S3_SECRET'] | Boolean | s3 token secret | |
ENV['ATTACHMENT_FILE_S3_REGION'] | Boolean | s3 region | |
ENV['ATTACHMENT_FILE_S3_ENDPOINT'] | Boolean | S3 endpoint | |
ENV['ATTACHMENT_FILE_S3_FORCE_PATH_STYLE'] | Boolean | use force path style in S3 |
MIT License