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BScDevOps Assign - Team

Table of Contents

This is the online repository for the DevOps Assignment.

Our product will be delivered using an Agile methodology that embraces the DevOps culture. Please note that our culture embraces change and these documents are treated as living, breathing artefacts that will be continuously updated.

Scrum Master

Product Owner

Lewis Barett L00145352 (Permanent)

Product Development Team

Project Deadline

Refer to BB for deadlines

Project Specification

Clean and simple design User access levels (client, administrator) Includes at least one self developed api and one webservice To be run over

Tools and services used

  1. PyCharm - is an integrated development environment (IDE) specifically designed for Python programming, offering features such as code analysis, debugging, and project management.
  2. Django - Django is a Python web framework that facilitates the development of robust and scalable web applications by providing a high-level, clean, and pragmatic design.
  3. Selenium - is a suite of tools and libraries for automating web browsers, commonly used for testing web applications. Its core component, WebDriver, allows developers to script interactions with browsers in various programming languages.
  4. Docker – is a tool that lets you package and run applications with all their parts in a neat, portable box called a container, making it easy to deploy and run consistently across different places. Doing it because during automated workflow
  5. Snyk - is a security platform that helps developers find and fix vulnerabilities in their open-source dependencies. It integrates into the development workflow, providing real-time feedback and automated remediation to improve the overall security of software applications.
  6. OWASP ZAP - is an open-source DAST tool that integrates into the development workflow, scans a target URL for vulnerabilities and maintains an issue in GitHub repository for the identified alerts.
  7. Unit testing - is the practice of testing individual parts of a software program to ensure they work correctly in isolation. It helps catch and fix errors early in the development process.
  8. Performance testing - assesses how well a system functions under different conditions, helping ensure it meets speed, responsiveness, and scalability requirements. Locust is the tool that we will be using for this.


We will be using Django and SQLite IDE will be Pycharm 2023 Community Edition

Useful Links

More Information

For more information visit our other sections

Section Description

Process Describes the companies process Project Log Log of project activities Costings Overview of the project cost Architecture Outlines the architecture Environments Overview of the environment set-up DR Plan Disaster Recovery Plan and procedures Requirements Overview of the requirements for the project SLAs Service level agreements Risk Management How we manage risk Security Overview of security Project Log Team log for the project

Risk Register

These are the current Risks on the project, re-aligned on a weekly basis

Tenants of Design

The code framework to be used will be Java, we will be programming using the app IntelliJ



Unit testing
integration testing
API Testing


staging and production
tight configuration management for consistency and reproducibility
automated creation and deployments
integrated and automated pipeline (commit -> test -> deploy)

Github version control:

branches used
version/release management

Agile project management methods/principles (jira)

Social Contract

Mobile phones be left on silent during sprint sessions and class time.
Be on time for team meetings and class, if you are running late let the group know by sending a message into the Slack channel.
Everyone has an equal voice and valuable contribution.
When you are assigned a job, take ownership of it and keep it up to date, do not be afraid to ask others for help, always be honest about your work.
Do not speak over someone when they are expressing a point, everyone has an equal voice.
No blame culture.
Do not be afraid to ask for help, we are all learning.
No invisble work.
Ask questions to make sure you understand the task given to you.
Try have some fun, team work makes the dream work.
Use Agile methodoligies in the project at all times.


Stand-ups will occur on Every Wednesday/11:30-1:30 during class and Friday on Slack/12:30-1:30 The order that people give their updates will be based starting with the scrum master and going clockwise around the group of those present at the meeting. Updates will be in the form: What I've done, Impediments, What I plan to do. Sprint planning will occur at the start of class every week at the end of our sprint. Please add and update items within <> a prior to the sprint planning session. Sprint retro will at the end of our sprint on <<Date/Time>> (timebox retro for 15 minutes, to be organised by the scrum master). The order that people present their sprint retro updates will be based on The Team 2 list in the Assign_BSc_DevOps_2023.pdf file on blackboard of those present at the meeting. Points raised in the sprint retro will be noted and posted on the slack channel by the Scrum Master. The Scrum Master is rotated per team member every week. Backlog refinement will happen on <<date/time>> during our sprint. Task estimation will be done using poker planner. Come prepared to meetings. Be on time for Stand Ups and meetings. Mobile phones on silent. Everyone has equal voice and valuable contribution. Keep your language and tone professional at all times. Be honest.


Slack is the preferred method of communication. we will also be using discord for the generasl quick comunication Communication in this order: Slack, Discord, Microsoft Teams, Outlook If a demonstration is required use Zoom, record the session and upload to the Slack channel. No Slack communications between 9PM and 9AM. Raise a problem as soon as you see it. Respect each other and understand differences in knowledge. All team documents are to be created using Markdown language and shared on GitHub. There are no silly questions, if you don’t understand, ask. Share success stories. Focus on the positives. Don’t make assumptions. Don’t interrupt and cut another person off while they are talking. Listen when someone is talking, don’t interject. Zero tolerance for bullying.

Agile way of working.

If are assigned a job, take ownership of it and keep it up to date. Stick to your agreed working patterns. Let the team know when you are late or going early. Keep JIRA board updated at all times. Update the Scrum Board as you progress the story i.e. don’t update at standup. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Don't be afraid to give constructive criticism, as long as it is constructive. Solve roadblocks within the team. If the impediment can’t be solved within the team then give it to the Scrum Master. Other Sprints will start after the stand up that happens at the start of class each week. The Scrum Master role rotates each week, the schedule is available on the on the process section Poker Planner will be used for task management and planning. Each member of the team will work approximitely 3 hours per week, unless they are on vacation. Our branching stategy will start with gh then the issue number followed by wip

Estimating Story Points

The teams team's velocity is calculated by the number of story points we achieve on average in the previous sprints. we will be usign the mthodology 1 story point per hour of work

The teams current story point velocity is "16".

Definition of Ready

Story is pointed Enough information to start Acceptance criteria is defined Definition of Done Code Min of 1 reviewer Merged into main Deployed successfully Deployment Tested Documentation Reviewed, followed and executed by Reviewer Working solution over documentation