rvdz / hapycolor

Generates beautiful color palettes from images
MIT License
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What is Hapycolor?

Hapyolor generates beautiful color palettes from an input image and exports it throughout your environment. The goal behind this project, is to create a tool able to pick colors from an image, that are well suited to an editor's colorscheme or a teminal's color profile. In addition, from the palette, the colors should be automatically exported to targets selected by the user.

What defines a suitable palette of colors?

First of all, if the purpose of those colors is to be used in a terminal or in an editor, they shouldn't be too dark, nor too bright (except for the background or, for some people, the foreground). Then, due to the low number of colors usually needed by the targets (e.g., a terminal's profile only needs sixteen colors), compared to the large number of colors of the original image, it is necessary to filter the colors so that they are not "too close". For instance, if an image has multiple shades of blue, the output should contain hues of blue that are easily distinguishable.

What targets are currently supported?

Currently, are supported:



Debian and Ubuntu:

For more details, The full documentation can be found here.


Debian or Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip imagemagick feh -y


With homebrew:

brew install python3 python3-pip imagemagick


Hapycolor can be installed with pip, or by cloning this repository.

Pip install

pip3 install hapycolor

Git install

git clone https://github.com/rvdz/hapycolor
cd hapycolor
pip3 install . --user


For basic usage, execute:

hapycolor -f <path/to/file>

The full documentation of Hapycolor's cli can be found by running:

hapycolor --help


Gnome Terminal might not load the generated profile at first. In that case:

If one of the above solutions does not work for you (Debian 9, Gnome shell 3.22 for instance), try doing both by reseting first.


To run the tests locally, excute:

python3 setup.py test