rwaldron / nino-io

Linino One & Arduino Yun IO Plugin for Johnny-Five
MIT License
8 stars 2 forks source link
unmaintained unmaintained-dont-use


Build Status

Nino-IO is compatible with Linino One and Arduino Yun.

Unfortunately, the creators of Linino One and the LininoOS have not been very helpful in responding to my requests for help with Arduino Yun compatibly. As such, this project no longer supports the Yun (which is fine, because it never really did)

Nino-IO is a Firmata.js-compatibility class for writing Node.js programs that run on the Linino One or Arduino Yun. This project was built at Bocoup

Getting Started

Nino-IO scripts are run directly from the Linino One or Arduino Yun board. To get started, install Node.js on the board.


For Nino-IO to operate correctly, the Arduino Yun or Linino One must be running both LininoOS and LininoIO. On a newly purchased Linino One this will already be the case. If you've purchased an Arduino Yun, it will be necessary to upgrade to LininoOS and LininoIO.

Assuming you've already completed the Yun Disk Expansion, complete the following commands:

IMPORTANT: The Linino expects all user code to exist in /opt! When connecting to the board, remember to: cd /opt. This is how the installer program sets up the filesystem on the Linino's SD Card.


npm install johnny-five
npm install nino-io --unsafe-perm

See Johnny-Five's examples for usage.


See LICENSE file.