rwildcat / vsc-pandoc-markdown

A VS Code extension for writing (with live preview) Markdown documents using Pandoc.
MIT License
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Pandoc Markdown README

A VS Code extension for writing (with live preview) Markdown documents using Pandoc.



Requieres Pandoc available from command line.


Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings:

Typical metadata header (YAML)

A common set of metadata variables is as follows:

title: Lorem ipsum
subtitle: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing
author: Dr Taz
keywords: Markdown, Pandoc, VSCode
bibliography: mybib.bib
fontsize: 11.5pt
mainfont: Arial, Palatino, Georgia, Times

At least setting fontsize and mainfont variables is strongly recommended when using Pandoc.

For a review of all metadata variables available, please see Pandoc's reference sections YAML_metadata_block, Metadata variables, Language variables and Variables for HTML.

Please note that the YAML metadata block must occur at the beginning of the document (and there can be only one). If multiple files are given as arguments to pandoc, only the first can be a YAML metadata block.




A small demo is provided in the extension's github demo directory as example.

NOTE: Further style editions can be easily done by adding additional CSS content when invoking Pandoc, for example, using the -H parameter, as many times as necesary.

Known Issues


Thanks for your great work!


For more information

To fully take advantege of the extended Pandoc Markdown, please see the Pandoc User’s Guide, especially the extensions section and of course the specific Pandoc’s Markdown section.

