I pulled the main branch of the social-bot-manger-service and I ran docker build -t social-bot-manager . to get a docker image social-bot-manager:latest
Then in the docker-compose.yml file in the Social-Bot-Framework directory, I replace the image for sbf-manager image: registry.tech4comp.dbis.rwth-aachen.de/rwthacis/social-bot-manager:MA-aaron with image: social-bot-manager:latest
In the Social-Bot-Framework directory, I run docker compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up -d --build to create and run the docker container from the social-bot-manager docker image.
I have the following error with my social bot manager now:
Have you also changed the mobsos-data-processing image to your own?
Which branch of the Social-Bot-Framework did you use for docker compose?
I can not reproduce this error.
I pulled the main branch of the social-bot-manger-service and I ran
docker build -t social-bot-manager .
to get a docker imagesocial-bot-manager:latest
Then in the docker-compose.yml file in the Social-Bot-Framework directory, I replace the image for sbf-managerimage: registry.tech4comp.dbis.rwth-aachen.de/rwthacis/social-bot-manager:MA-aaron
withimage: social-bot-manager:latest
In the Social-Bot-Framework directory, I rundocker compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up -d --build
to create and run the docker container from the social-bot-manager docker image. I have the following error with my social bot manager now: