rwth-acis / las2peer-social-bot-manager-service

las2peer Social Bot Manager Service
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🤖 Social Bot Framework - Bot Manager Service

The Social Bot Framework is a versatile platform for developing and deploying bots for various communication channels, including Slack, Rocket.Chat. Telegram, and others. The framework allows you to create bot models using SyncMeta, a web-based modeling tool. The bot models can then be imported into the framework and used to respond to RESTful service methods.

This repository contains the Bot-Manager-Service, which is the core service of the Social Bot Framework. The Bot-Manager-Service is a las2peer service that can read bot models and respond to RESTful service methods. The response can be another RESTful service call or a message to a communication channel.

The Bot-Manager-Service requires the MobSOS Data-Processing and the MobSOS Success-Modeling services and has to be started in monitoring mode.

🚀 Installation

To install the Bot-Manager-Service, you first need to clone this repository and build the service.


You can build the service using the following command:

gradlew build


To start the Bot-Manager-Service, use the following command:


On Unix/Mac systems, use the following command instead:


Update block messages

Set the response of the las2peer service (a JsonObject) to

  "blocks": "the content of the new block message",
  "updateBlock": true,
  "ts": "the time when the need to be updated blocks have been sent"

🐳 How to run using Docker

First, build the image:

docker build -t social-bot-manager . 

Then you can run the image like this:

docker run -e DATABASE_HOST=host -e DATABASE_NAME=LAS2PEERMON -e DATABASE_USER=myuser -e DATABASE_PASSWORD=mypasswd -p 8080:8080 -p 9011:9011 social-bot-manager

Replace myuser and mypasswd with the username and password of a MySQL user with access to a database named LAS2PEERMON. Note that you might need to setup your database with the tables found in SBF.sql By default the database host is mysql and the port is 3306. The REST-API will be available via http://localhost:8080/SBFManager and the las2peer node is available via port 9011.

To customize your setup you can set further environment variables.

Node Launcher Variables

Set las2peer node launcher options with these variables. The las2peer port is fixed at 9011.

Variable Default Description
BOOTSTRAP unset Set the --bootstrap option to bootrap with existing nodes. The container will wait for any bootstrap node to be available before continuing.
SERVICE_PASSPHRASE processing Set the second argument in startService('service@version', '').
SERVICE_EXTRA_ARGS unset Set additional launcher arguments. Example: --observer to enable monitoring.

Service Variables

See database for a description of the settings.

Variable Default Description
WEBCONNECTOR_URL / Webconnector address. Needed for auto-restart functionality
RESTARTERBOTNAME / Name of restarterBot agent. Needed for auto-restart functionality
RESTARTERBOTPW / Password for restarterBot agent. Needed for auto-restart functionality

Web Connector Variables

Set WebConnector properties with these variables. httpPort and httpsPort are fixed at 8080 and 8443.

Variable Default

Other Variables

Variable Default Description
DEBUG unset Set to any value to get verbose output in the container entrypoint script.