rwth-i6 / returnn

The RWTH extensible training framework for universal recurrent neural networks
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deep-learning gpu recurrent-neural-networks tensorflow theano

================== Welcome to RETURNN

GitHub repository <>_. RETURNN paper 2016 <>, RETURNN paper 2018 <>_.

RETURNN - RWTH extensible training framework for universal recurrent neural networks, is a Theano/TensorFlow-based implementation of modern recurrent neural network architectures. It is optimized for fast and reliable training of recurrent neural networks in a multi-GPU environment.

The high-level features and goals of RETURNN are:

All items are important for research, decoding speed is esp. important for production.

See our Interspeech 2020 tutorial "Efficient and Flexible Implementation of Machine Learning for ASR and MT" video <> (slides <>) with an introduction of the core concepts.

More specific features include:

See documentation <>. See basic usage <>__ and technological overview <>.

Here is the video recording of a RETURNN overview talk <>_ (slides <>__, exercise sheet <>__; hosted by eBay).

There are many example demos <>_ which work on artificially generated data, i.e. they should work as-is.

There are some real-world examples <>_ such as setups for speech recognition on the Switchboard or LibriSpeech corpus.

Some benchmark setups against other frameworks can be found here <>. The results are in the RETURNN paper 2016 <>. Performance benchmarks of our LSTM kernel vs CuDNN and other TensorFlow kernels are in TensorFlow LSTM benchmark <>__.

There is also a wiki <>. Questions can also be asked on StackOverflow using the RETURNN tag <>.

.. image:: :target: