rwx-777 / WPA2-FritzBox-Pswd-Wordlist-Generator

This Script will produce all of the WPA2 Passwords used by various Router companies aswell as Fritzbox. All of these Passwords will be 16 Numbers in length. So it could get a bit large.
55 stars 8 forks source link
fritz-box fritzbox password penetration-testing pentesting perl wordlist wordlist-generator wordlists wpa wpa2 wpa2-cracking wpa2-handshake wpa2-wordlist


This Script will produce all of the WPA2 Passwords used by various Router companies aswell as Fritzbox. All of these Passwords will be 16 Numbers in length. So it could get a bit large. If anybody has got some extra SSDs feel free to send them over.


$ ./WordlistGenerator.perl > All16Nums-Wordlist.txt

Update 2021

thanks to my good friend f4n0 we have a new script in python which now also checks for three consecutive numbers in the wordlist.

$ python > Router-pswds.txt



Please feel free to help improve and lets try to get these Wordlists together.

