rxseger / homebrew-hackrf

HackRF SDR and related GNU Radio Formulae for Homebrew
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HackRF OSX Install

This will walk you through getting HackRF to work on OSX. It is really just an adaptation of the awesome collection of Homebrew recipes from Titanous and jjeising for getting GNU Radio running on OSX.

Note: homebrew-core now includes the gnuradio, librtlsdr, and hackrf formulas. This repository only includes gqrx, gr-baz, and gr-osmosdr.


These steps have been tested on El Capitan 10.11.5 with Xcode 7.3.1. It is probably a good idea to make sure all OSX updates have been applied and Xcode is up to date. Also, probably good to install the Xcode command line apps as explained over at Stackoverflow.


Everything should now be working. It is time to give it a try! Below are some of the programs you can try

osmocom_fft -a hackrf



To measure the HackRF's offset from a GSM reference signal, use kalibrate:

brew install --HEAD kalibrate-hackrf
kal -h