ryan-d-williams / MMM-GoogleSheets

Google Sheets Module for MagicMirror
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Enhancement Idea - Scrolling data #27

Open xSkydve1x opened 1 year ago

xSkydve1x commented 1 year ago

It would be great if there was a way to have MMM-GoogleSheets scroll data using a defined range. Let's say the screen only displayed up to row 15, but you have data down to row 20. It'd be great to have it scroll the data after X seconds, moving one row up every Y seconds, and then looping back to row 1-13.

Also - I'd love to be able to donate some $ to you for your work on the current version. Do you have a donation link?

ryan-d-williams commented 9 months ago

@xSkydve1x this is a great idea! I will have to do some more research on exactly how I might make that happen but I will mark this as an enhancement for now.

You absolutely don't have to donate any money (I enjoy building these projects) but if you are insistent here is my buymeacoffee page.