ryan-d-williams / MMM-GoogleSheets

Google Sheets Module for MagicMirror
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Info on config, please #3

Open amanzimdwini opened 4 years ago

amanzimdwini commented 4 years ago

Nice project! I am struggling with the config file though - can you please add the ones that you used for the various examples that you show on the ReadMe? Right now I cant make my background black (or transparent, which would be even better), and my last effort to change the background made my fonts smaller. Sigh.

Thanks for all the work - I love the module. Karl

ryan-d-williams commented 3 years ago

@amanzimdwini I can definitely add some sample configs. Which example would you like to see?

amanzimdwini commented 3 years ago

I like ALL of your examples :) Specifically your grocery list. And I am wondering if there is a way to make the background TRANSPARENT?

ryan-d-williams commented 3 years ago

@amanzimdwini you can make background colors transparent with the customStyles property

Ex: customStyles: ["background-color: transparent"]

amanzimdwini commented 3 years ago

THAT IS PERFECT. You da man! Thanks for a GREAT module