ryan-d-williams / MMM-GoogleSheets

Google Sheets Module for MagicMirror
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Multiple Instances Issue #6

Closed emrahaslan closed 3 years ago

emrahaslan commented 3 years ago

Hello again.

I have two diffrent sheet and I would like to show them with diffrenet pages.

I'ım using MMM-Pages module for this.

Page 1 - > Module for Sheet 1 display Page 2 - > Module for Sheet 2 display

Could you please help me about this issue ?

ryan-d-williams commented 3 years ago

@emrahaslan I unfortunately cannot help with other modules. I would suggest posting to that module's repo if you are having issues with their module. There is no reason you cannot make multiple instance of this module however as long as both of the configurations are correct.

emrahaslan commented 3 years ago

Hi Ryan, I think there is missunderstood.

Could you please tell how can i duplicate this module?

I would like to display my “Sheet1” into bottom_left and my “Sheet2” into bottom_right. Is that possible?

emrahaslan commented 3 years ago

I need to two different instance like,

MMM-GoogleSheets MMM-GoogleSheets_2

ryan-d-williams commented 3 years ago

@emrahaslan yes it is possible. You can just add them as two different instances in your config file, each with a separate location

    module: "MMM-GoogleSheets",
    header: "First Instance",
    position: "bottom_left",
    config: {
        sheet: "Sheet1",
        range: "range"
    module: "MMM-GoogleSheets",
    header: "Second Instance",
    position: "bottom_right",
    config: {
        sheet: "Sheet1",
        range: "range"

You'll need to make sure the module name is not changed (if that's what you were trying with your most recent comment)