ryanb / xapit-sync

Rails plugin to automatically reload a Xapian database when models change.
MIT License
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= Xapit Sync

Rails plugin which extends Xapit to provide automatic syncing of the index.

For an alternative solution (currently vaporware) see Xapit Server.


== Installation

This plugin assumes you have a Rails application using Xapit. For more information see: http://github.com/ryanb/xapit/tree/master

Install the plugin and run migrations.

script/plugin install git://github.com/ryanb/xapit-sync.git rake db:migrate

That is all you need to get started in development, but you should see the customize portion below.

== How it Works

Xapit Sync is a Rails plugin designed to update only the Xapian records which have changed and then reload the database automatically.

Each time a Xapit member (model) is created, updated, or destroyed it will record that change in a separate database table.

A separate process will spawn (if it isn't already running) which updates the Xapian database with all changes recorded. At the end of this process it will trigger a Rails controller/action which is included in the plugin (using Rails metal and/or engines). This will notify the Rails application that the Xapian database needs to be reloaded.

== Customize

You will want to customize Xapit Sync to work with your application in production. It is best to do this at the bottom of the setup_xapit.rb initializer file.

If you have your own queuing system (such as delayed_job) it is better to use that instead of the built-in script runner.

class XapitSyncJob def perform XapitSync.sync end end

in config/initializers/setup_xapit.rb

XapitSync.override_syncing do Delayed::Job.enqueue XapitSyncJob.new end

You can also disable the syncing process in certain environments. For example:

XapitSync.override_syncing { } unless Rails.env.production?

You'll likely want to customize which domains are triggered when the syncing finishes in order to reload the Xapian database.

XapitSync.domains = ["localhost:8000", "localhost:8001"] if Rails.env.production?

Unfortunately there is not yet a solution to trigger the reloading if you are using Passenger, so you should disable it in that case.

XapitSync.domains = [] if Rails.env.production?