ryanking13 / auditwheel-emscripten

auditwheel-like tool for Pyodide
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auditwheel-like tool for wheels targeting Emscripten platform

$ pip install auditwheel-emscripten

What is this?

auditwheel-emscripten is a tiny tool to facilitate the creation of Python wheel packages for Emscripten. auditwheel-emscripten is originally created for Pyodide, but it can be used in any other projects that target Python-in-the-browser using Emscripten.

Usage (CLI)

 Usage: pyodide auditwheel [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

 Auditwheel-like tool for emscripten wheels and shared libraries.

╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --help          Show this message and exit.                                                                                         │
╭─ Commands ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ copy      [Deprecated] Copy shared libraries to the wheel directory. Works same as repair. Use repair instead.          │
│ exports   Show exports of a wheel or a shared library file.                                                                         │
│ imports   Show imports of a wheel or a shared library file.                                                                         │
│ repair    Repair a wheel file: copy shared libraries to the wheel directory.   │
│ show      Show shared library dependencies of a wheel or a shared library file.                                                     │
# wget https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/pyodide/v0.21.3/full/Shapely-1.8.2-cp310-cp310-emscripten_3_1_14_wasm32.whl
$ pyodide auditwheel show Shapely-1.8.2-cp310-cp310-emscripten_3_1_14_wasm32.whl

The following external shared libraries are required:
│   'shapely/speedups/_speedups.cpython-310-wasm32-emscripten.so': ['libgeos_c.so'],
│   'shapely/vectorized/_vectorized.cpython-310-wasm32-emscripten.so': ['libgeos_c.so']
$ pyodide auditwheel repair --libdir <directory which contains libgeos_c.so> Shapely-1.8.2-cp310-cp310-emscripten_3_1_14_wasm32.whl

Repaired wheel has following external shared libraries:
│   'Shapely.libs/libgeos.so.3.10.3': [],
│   'Shapely.libs/libgeos_c.so': ['libgeos.so.3.10.3'],
│   'shapely/speedups/_speedups.cpython-310-wasm32-emscripten.so': ['libgeos_c.so'],
│   'shapely/vectorized/_vectorized.cpython-310-wasm32-emscripten.so': ['libgeos_c.so']

Usage (API)

Listing shared library dependencies of a wheel file:

from auditwheel_emscripten import show
libs = show("Shapely-1.8.2-cp310-cp310-emscripten_3_1_14_wasm32.whl")
# {'shapely/vectorized/_vectorized.cpython-310-wasm32-emscripten.so': ['libgeos_c.so'], 'shapely/speedups/_speedups.cpython-310-wasm32-emscripten.so': ['libgeos_c.so']}

Copying shared libraries to the wheel:

from auditwheel_emscripten import repair, show
repaired_wheel = repair(
libs = show(repaired_wheel)
# {'Shapely.libs/libgeos.so.3.10.3': [], 'Shapely.libs/libgeos_c.so': ['libgeos.so.3.10.3'], 'shapely/speedups/_speedups.cpython-310-wasm32-emscripten.so': ['libgeos_c.so'], 'shapely/vectorized/_vectorized.cpython-310-wasm32-emscripten.so': ['libgeos_c.so']}

Implementation details / limitations

Dynamic linking in Emscripten

Dynamic linking is not in the WebAssembly specification, but Emscripten has its own dynamic linking support, which is required for building Python wheels targeting Emscripten platform.

This tool is based on:

auditwheel vs auditwheel-emscripten

auditwheel is a tool that helps repair and modify Python wheels (pre-compiled packages) to be compatible with a wide range of Linux distributions. It does this by copying external shared libraries into the wheel and repairing the RPATH (a file path that is used to locate shared libraries at runtime) of the ELF binary so that the Linux operating system can locate the library when the program is run.

auditwheel-emscripten is a variation of auditwheel that is specifically designed to work with Emscripten-generated WebAssembly (WASM) modules. It does not perform an audit on the wheel, as Emscripten does not guarantee compatibility between versions. Instead, it simply copies the required libraries into the wheel without modifying the module itself. It is up to the user to manually implement a way to locate these libraries at runtime.