ryanlindsey / middleman-cordova

A Middleman template for Apache Cordova 3.3.x
MIT License
6 stars 1 forks source link

Middleman + Cordova

A Middleman template for Apache Cordova 3.3.x. The goal of this project is to provide a clean and efficient workflow for hybrid mobile app development while remaining platform agnostic.

middleman-cordova is a Middleman 3.1.x project template for Apache Cordova 3.3.x with Haml, Sass, CoffeeScript and Bower for package management.


Getting Started

  1. Clone middleman-cordova into ~/.middleman. You might need to create this directory if it doesn't exist.

    $ git clone git://github.com/pixelsonly/middleman-cordova.git ~/.middleman/middleman-cordova
  2. Create a new Cordova project by running the create command, see docs for help:

    $ cordova create YourAppName com.example.app "MyAppName"
  3. Add a platform to your Cordova project, for example let's add iOS support.

    $ cd MyAppName
    $ cordova platforms add ios
  4. Setup Middleman

    $ middleman init middleman --template=middleman-cordova
  5. Install Bower packages

    $ cd middleman
    $ bower install

For more help follow Middleman's project template instructions or feel free to hit me up on Twitter.


middleman-cordova hooks into the Middleman build process, merges the compiled assets with the Cordova structure and runs the cordova prepare command.

Run $ middleman build from the Middleman project directory.
