ryannmicua / popular-posts-tabbed-widget-for-jetpack

Shows a tabbed widget for most popular, most commented and latest blog posts. Most popular posts tab uses data from JetPack Stats module.
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=== Popular Posts Tabbed Widget for Jetpack === Contributors: pogidude Donate link: http://pogidude.com/donate/ Tags: popular posts, tab widget, tabs, jetpack stats, jetpack popular posts Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 4.2.2 Stable Tag: 1.4.2 License: GPL2+

Shows a tabbed widget for most popular, most commented and latest blog posts. Most popular posts tab uses data from Jetpack Stats module.

== Description ==

Shows a tabbed widget for most popular, most commented and latest blog posts. Most popular posts tab uses data from Jetpack Stats module.

= Translating = Interested in translating this plugin to your language? Grab the development version where you will find an up to date pptwj.pot. Send any translation files to ryann @ pogidude.com and thank you!

= Available translations = Hebrew - Eliran Mukdasi

= Contribute = A GIT repository is available if you'd like to submit a patch.

== Installation ==

  1. Download the zip-archive and extract it into your computer.
  2. Upload the entire popular-posts-tab-widget-for-jetpack folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory in your web site.
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in your WordPress administration page.

Go to Appearance -> Widgets administration page and look for the widget named Popular Posts Tabbed Widget

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= The popular posts tab is not showing anything. =

First, you need to have the Jetpack plugin installed and connected to a WordPress.com account. Second, the Stats module has to be activated. And last, this plugin gets the popular posts data from Jetpack Stats module. If the popular posts tab still isn't showing posts, please check the Jetpack Stats first and see if it has any data to show. If data is already there, then get in touch with me.

== Screenshots ==

  1. Screenshot of the tabbed widget in the frontend.
  2. Screenshot of the widget settings in the backend.

== Changelog == = 1.4.1 = 2015-05-29

= 1.4 =

= 1.3 =

= 1.2 =

= 1.1 =

= 1.0 =

== Upgrade Notice == = 1.0 =