ryanrousseau / ScriptCs.Gist

ScriptCs module that adds a #gist line processor
Apache License 2.0
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ScriptCs module that adds a #gist line processor.

Inspired by


Install via the scriptcs install command scriptcs -install ScriptCs.Gist -g

The current version is built using ScriptCs.Contracts version 0.15.0

Using in a script

Specify the gist module when executing your script scriptcs script.csx -modules gist

The #gist line processor takes a gist id as an argument. The processor will download any files in the gist ending with .csx to a folder named gists/{gistId}. Subsequent runs will load the existing file on disk. To redownload the scripts, simply delete the downloaded files before running again.

Here's the script that I used for testing. Test gist found here: https://gist.github.com/ryanrousseau/0dca8b3a74958f82406a

#gist 0dca8b3a74958f82406a

var pinger = new Pinger();


Using in the repl

Specify the gist module when executing your script scriptcs -repl -modules gist

Use the :gist repl command

> :gist "0dca8b3a74958f82406a"
Hello from gist!
Tot ziens van gist!
> var pinger = new Pinger();
> pinger.Ping()

Executing specific scripts in a gist

List script names after the gist id in either the line processor or the repl command to execute those scripts in that order.

From a script

gist 0dca8b3a74958f82406a hello.csx

From the repl

:gist "0dca8b3a74958f82406a" "tot-ziens.csx" "hello.csx" Tot ziens van gist! Hello from gist!

A script in the gist can also load a script from the gist. Using https://gist.github.com/ryanrousseau/392d533adc3ce49f7029 as an example.

> :gist "392d533adc3ce49f7029" "main.csx"
Greetings from gist!

More to come!

Have ideas? Open an issue!