fvm auto downloads tagged packages from theVolary's feather repo and sets up environment variables so you can easily switch between released(tagged) versions of feather runtimes.
. fvm.sh
)fvm install v0.1.3
(note: install
automatically calls use
when it's finished)fvm use v0.1.2
(uses a previously installed version)fvm use ./
(this version of the use command allows you to use a custom or bleeding edge version that's on your local machine. You must, of course, use this only from within the top-level feather
folder that you wish to make the current working version)Just like with nvm, we like to edit our .bashrc file so that fvm.sh is sourced at startup:
. $FVM_HOME/fvm.sh
fvm use v0.1.3
(and of course you would update the final line to use a new version as you upgrade the "default" version on your machine)