ryonlabaw / rp2040-pHAT

rp2040 raspberry pi HAT
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Easy to use rp2040 development board.

header pinout

header pinout

ADC pinout

The two header pins near the reset + boot switches provide two additional ADC breakout ports. GPIO 28 + GPIO 29

all gpio pins on the rp2040 are available

using with Raspberry Pi

In order to upload code from the raspberry pi you will need to solder the solder-jumpers on the back of the board.

There are 4 solder jumpers on the back, these allow SWD + UART communication directly between the rp2040 and the raspberry pi host system.


OpenOCD from Raspberry Pi

see the install_sdk.sh, bash script

If you run that script on the raspberry pi, will setup the pi to allow SWD programming via OpenOCD

You can also manual step thru the commands, just open the file and copy-n-paste the lines manually into your raspberry pi terminal.

OpenOCD from a Desktop (remote)

You can also start OpenOCD on the PI in remote mode (esp. debugging)

This will allow you to debug the rp2040 from the PI, remotely on your desktop pc (in vccode for example)

example code

This board is 100% compatible with all rasberry pi pico examples. See https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-examples

UF2 not booting correctly?

If you run into issues using UF2 files via usb, and the device not booting correctly. There is a timing issue with the rp2040 not booting at times using UF2 files, but the fix is simple.

Add the following line to your CMakeLists.txt file


This will add a small delay to startup to allow booting properly.

This problem doesn't seem to affect SWD uploaded ELF files. So the added flag should not be needed when using SWD.

for more info see: https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-sdk/pull/457 https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-sdk/pull/401

more examples

there will be more examples available One neat example code allows using the rp2040-pHAT as an SPI Slave to the raspberry pi board.