ryos-io / Rhino

Rhino: Dockerized Distributed Load and Performance Testing Framework
Apache License 2.0
18 stars 3 forks source link
cloud cloud-services java load-testing performance-testing web-services

Rhino: Dockerized Load and Performance Testing for Web Services

Rhino is a lightweight annotation-based JUnit-style load and performance testing framework tailored for testing web services which consists of the Rhino Java SDK as well as a collection of libraries and tools which enable developers to develop load and performance tests very fast. The Rhino can be added as library dependency into your project or the Rhino Maven archetype can be used to create a new maven project. The deployable artifact will be a Docker container which can be run on container orchestration platforms like Mesos, Kubernetes, AWS ECS, and so on.

1.5.0: Grafana/InfluxDB Integration is included!

With Influx DB and Grafana Integration, you can also monitor the current load testing and watch how services under test behaves under certain load pattern.
Rhino's philosophy is:

Considering all these aspects, we began with Project Rhino in 2018 and it is available as F/OSS with Apache 2.0 License, now.

How to use?

Add maven dependency into your project:


For more information about project setup: Getting Started with Rhino Load Testing.

How do the load tests look like?

Simulation is a test entity which will be executed and generates load according to the implementation provided in the test classes against the instance under test, e.g a web service. So as to create a new simulation entity, create a plain Java object with @Simulation annotation:

@Simulation(name = "Example Simulation")
public class PerformanceTestingExample {

The simulation above does nothing unless we add DSL methods into it. DSL methods are
annotated with @Dsl annotation which contain encompass DSL method calls and returns a LoadDsl instance. A simulation might have multiple DSL methods defined which will be materialized into reactive components to build a load generation pipeline:

@Simulation(name = "Server-Status Simulation")
public class RhinoEntity {

  @Provider(factory = UUIDProvider.class)
  private UUIDProvider uuidProvider;

  @Dsl(name = "Health")
  public DslBuilder performHealth() {
    return dsl()
        .run(http("Health API Call")
            .header(c -> from(X_REQUEST_ID, "Rhino-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString()))

The name of the simulation is important. In a performance testing project, it is very likely that you will have multiple simulations. Rhino does know which simulation is to be run from the simulation name provided, so the names must be unique.

A simple Rhino application would look like:

import io.ryos.rhino.sdk.Simulation;

public class Rhino {

    public static void main(String ... args) {
        Simulation.create(PROPS, SIM_NAME).start();

How to run?

If you choose to use the Rhino archetype, the maven project is configured to create a Docker container:

$ mvn -e clean install
$ docker run -t yourproject:latest


Feel free to fork the project and make contributions in terms of Pull Requests. For bigger proposals, architectural discussions and bug reports, use the Github's issue tracker.
