ryosuke-hirai / HORMONE

Repository for hydrodynamical code HORMONE
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Test suite

Repository for hydrodynamics code HORMONE


HORMONE is a 3D grid-based Godunov-type magnetohydrodynamics code that uses the HLLD approximate Riemann solver. The main feature is the "hyperbolic self-gravity" solver, which enhances the computational cost for Newtonian self-gravity simulations by a significant margin. Currently, it can handle Cartesian/cylindrical/spherical coordinates.


Under construction...


Hyperbolic self-gravity and original code
Hirai, Nagakura, Okawa, Fujisawa, 2016, PhRvD, 93, 083006

Equation of state with recombination
Hirai, Sato, Podsiadlowski, Vigna-Gomez, Mandel, 2020, MNRAS, 499, 1154

Fixed mesh refinement
Hirai, Podsiadlowski, Owocki, Schneider, Smith, 2021, MNRAS, 503, 4276

Sink particles
Hirai & Podsiadlowski, 2022, MNRAS, 517, 4544