For workshop
BigData & AILab activity from Sep 29th 2021.
We focus on fasteners and wire components.
I am the only one in charge of this project, so I'll save the dataset locally.
The lastest notebook about this project is on Google colab.
flowchart TD
A[Start] --> B[Scraping images];
B --> C[Data cleaning];
C --> D[(Scenry Images Dataset)];
D --> E{Is the dataset qualified?};
E -- Yes --> F[Create a model and train];
E -- No, get more images --> B;
F --> G{How much is the loss?};
G -- Less than 20% --> H[Create pairs of English and Japanese. Like these 1. Sky: 空 2. Mountain: 山 3. River: 川];
G -- Greater than 20% --> E;
H --> I[Create a web app using with created model];
I --> J[Write an article about this project] --> END;