ryu-i-engineer / ImageTaggingChallenge

For workshop
MIT License
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Image Tagging Challenge

For workshop

BigData & AILab activity from Sep 29th 2021.

To-do list

  1. Create Fasteners and wire components dataset
  2. Create Multi-label Image classification model whitch can add Japanese and English tags
  3. Create a sample project to explain how to use created model
  4. Write an article on note.com


We focus on fasteners and wire components.

I am the only one in charge of this project, so I'll save the dataset locally.

About notebook

The lastest notebook about this project is on Google colab.Open in colab

Sample project



flowchart TD
  A[Start] --> B[Scraping images];
  B --> C[Data cleaning];
  C --> D[(Scenry Images Dataset)];
  D --> E{Is the dataset qualified?};
  E -- Yes --> F[Create a model and train];
  E -- No, get more images --> B;
  F --> G{How much is the loss?};
  G -- Less than 20% --> H[Create pairs of English and Japanese. Like these 1. Sky: 空 2. Mountain: 山 3. River: 川];
  G -- Greater than 20% --> E;
  H --> I[Create a web app using with created model];
  I --> J[Write an article about this project] --> END;