ryukamish / dot

My personal configs that are modular and easy to setup.
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My Personal Configuration

Many of the configuration are inspired from rwxrob and Luke Smith.

├── bash
├── dunst
├── fontconfig
├── gh
├── git
├── lynx
├── scripts
├── sxiv
│   └── exec
├── tmux
├── vim
└── x11

How to use this config?

Just using the setup script should do the trick.

New Found Knowledge

(dated May 09 2022) I found a new knowledge today that bash can debug a script without running it by giving the flags -x to bash and it will give a plus sign if the script runs fine and errors if not.

(dated May 18 2022) So the problem was that I wanted to know if my bash script is not giving any errors. And I found out about the -n flag which is used to check the syntax validity of the bash script. And this will give me a heads up which is great.

(dated July 06 2022) While using colors on the terminal I found printf to be more reliable as because in very rare cases a Linux system could not have the command echo, which is not the case in any of the distros I have used so far. Also, found out that printf has another data type? something which is %b which is an argument as a string with \ escapes interpreted, except that octal escapes are of the form \0 or \0NNN.

(dated July 07 2022) While using conditional statements I found out on how to check if a file is a symlink or not with the -L flag. This flag inside a squared brackets checks if a file exists and is a symlink. Very useful with other flags such as the -f and -d flag. The -f flag check a file exists and is a regular file and the -d flag checks if a directory exists or not.

(dated Dec 15 2022) To print values with awk having delimiter the option -F should be used. The awk command is very simple and easy to use. Today I only found out about how to print a set of values with awk. I also found out about the tr command which translates the output with the desired characters.

# The awk command
awk -F\" '{ print $2 }' # taking delimiter " and printing the second value
# the tr command
tr ' ' '\n'             # replace empty space with newline



Copyright 2023 Kunal Munda
Released under Apache-2.0 Licence