ryuta-ito / coqtop-vim

Interact with coqtop within Vim
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Interact with coqtop within Vim.



:CoqStart to start coqtop.

To prevent default local mappings, do :let g:coqtop_no_default_mappings = 1.


Goto this line. You can go both forward and backward.

Mapped to <LocalLeader>g (in normal mode) and <C-g> (in insert mode) by default.


Clear current session.

Mapped to <LocalLeader>c by default.


Quit coqtop-vim.

Mapped to <LocalLeader>q by default.


Same as Print vernacular command.

Mapped to <LocalLeader>p by default.


Same as SearchAbout vernacular command.

Mapped to <LocalLeader>a by default.