rzach / multlog

M. Ultlog, the genius many-valued logic expert
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Present truth tables for quantifiers in a more compact way #6

Open rzach opened 3 years ago

rzach commented 3 years ago

The truth tables for quantifiers are a mess. Better to have the distributions grouped by truth value (X, Y, Z -> t, etc) or at least sort the lines by truth values?

gsalzer commented 3 years ago

The truth tables for quantifiers are a mess. -- It may seem so, but the order of distributions depends on the order of truth values after the keyword truth_values in the specification of the logic. Currently, the quantifier table first lists all distributions containing the first truth value, then the remaining ones without the first truth value. Within each of the two groups, the distributions containing the second truth value come before those not containing it, and so on. The idea was to make it possible to look up the result of the quantifier given the distribution in a systematic way. The ordering can be easily changed once it is clear which ordering is desirable. What is your suggestion?

rzach commented 3 years ago

My thought was to have one line per truth value, and on the left list all the distributions that result in that truth table (probably as a p column so that it line-breaks if the list is long).