rzach / multlog

M. Ultlog, the genius many-valued logic expert
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MUltlog & iLC

MUltlog is a system which takes as input the specification of a finitely-valued first-order logic and produces a sequent calculus, a tableaux calculus, a natural deduction system, and clause formation rules for this logic. All generated rules are optimized regarding their branching degree. The output is in the form of a scientific paper written in LaTeX.

iLC is an editor for Tcl/Tk, which allows the user to specify many-valued logics for MUltlog in a convenient form.

The experimental "interactive mode" lets you investigate many-valued logics: find tautologies, check for entailment, define products and factors of logics, or test for isomorphisms.

Further information including a manual with installation instructions and example output PDFs is available at logic.at/multlog.