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Citrix Workspace #248

Closed soldier9945 closed 6 months ago

soldier9945 commented 6 months ago

Currently, the Citrix Workspace installation fails on a clean Windows 11.

I think I found a cause and a fix, I would like a confirmation. The URL parsing seems to fail on my machine because of a non initialized Internet Explorer, ... you don't say

"$web = iwr https://www.citrix.com/downloads/workspace-app/windows/workspace-app-for-windows-latest.html; \"https:\" + (($web.Links.rel | ? { $_ -like \"*CitrixWorkspaceApp*\"}) | Select -First 1)"

iwr : Der Antwortinhalt kann nicht analysiert werden, da das Internet Explorer-Modul nicht verfügbar ist, oder die Konfiguration beim ersten Start von Internet Explorer ist nicht abgeschlossen. Geben Sie den UseBasicParsing-Parameter an, und wiederholen Sie den Vorgang.`

I tried that -UseBasicParsing parameter and this File URL works as intended on my Win11 machine :

"$web = iwr https://www.citrix.com/downloads/workspace-app/windows/workspace-app-for-windows-latest.html -UseBasicParsing; \"https:\" + (($web.Links.rel | ? { $_ -like \"*CitrixWorkspaceApp*\"}) | Select -First 1)"

I'd yet need to test this on Windows 10 .

Thanks guys :)

Have a nice day!

soldier9945 commented 6 months ago

Hmmm... just checked the parsing of the Citrix Workspace 2203 LTSR package, this one seems also to be in a working condition:

"$content = Invoke-RestMethod -uri \"https://www.citrix.com/downloads/workspace-app/workspace-app-for-windows-long-term-service-release/workspace-app-for-windows-LTSR-Latest.html\";$idx = $content.IndexOf(\"CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe?__gda__\");\"https://\" + $content.Substring($idx-27,149)"

So this would also work for the standard Citrix Workspace package:

"$content = Invoke-RestMethod -uri \"https://www.citrix.com/downloads/workspace-app/windows/workspace-app-for-windows-latest.html\";$idx = $content.IndexOf(\"CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe?__gda__\");\"https://\" + $content.Substring($idx-27,149)"

Link tested, it's valid

soldier9945 commented 6 months ago

Oh, I see that the URL Changed to a much simpler URL in the current JSON: https://downloadplugins.citrix.com/Windows/CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe

Case closed I guess