rzander / ruckzuck

software package manager for windows
Microsoft Public License
223 stars 20 forks source link
oneget package-manager repository software

October 2024: RuckZuck Core Infrastructure as Service

RuckZuck Core Infrastructure can now be ordered from Azure Marketplace:

This offer is tailored for Enterprise Customers seeking a dedicated RuckZuck infrastructure that provides:

Note: The costs associated with the Azure infrastructure are not included in this offer and will vary based on usage.

ROMAWO customers will receive this service as part of the Enterprise or Service Provider Package.

August 2024: Rate limiting on public infrastructure

As usage of the public API at ruckzuck.tools continues to grow, we are implementing rate limiting to manage the volume of requests. This will ensure that users can only send a limited number of API requests within a specified timeframe.

Currently 5req/min are allowed for getsoftwares and 20req/min for checkforupdate.

March 2024: Ownership change

EN: Starting from March 1st, 2024, ROMAWO GmbH will assume all rights and obligations of the package manager RuckZuck.tools. RuckZuck will continue to be freely available thanks to sponsors. The client tools will remain an open-source solution managed on GitHub. The server components will be removed from the GitHub repository and will no longer be publicly accessible. ROMAWO will utilize the RuckZuck repository for commercial purposes and will update and maintain products associated with this use in the public repository. Products that have not been published in the repository in ROMAWO's interest must continue to be updated by the community. Unused or outdated products will be removed from the repository. ROMAWO assumes no liability and is not responsible for the licensing of the software in the public repository.

DE: Ab dem 1. März 2024 übernimmt die ROMAWO GmbH sämtliche Rechte und Pflichten des Paket-Managers RuckZuck.tools. RuckZuck wird weiterhin dank der Sponsoren kostenlos nutzbar sein. Die Client-Tools bleiben eine Open-Source-Lösung, welche auf GitHub verwaltet werden. Die Serverkomponenten werden aus dem GitHub-Repository entfernt und sind nicht mehr öffentlich einsehbar. ROMAWO wird das RuckZuck-Repository für kommerzielle Zwecke nutzen und die mit dieser Nutzung verbundenen Produkte auch im öffentlichen Repository aktualisieren und pflegen. Produkte, die nicht im Interesse von ROMAWO im Repository veröffentlicht wurden, müssen wie bisher von der Community aktualisiert werden. Ungenutzte oder veraltete Produkte werden aus dem Repository entfernt. ROMAWO übernimmt keine Haftung und ist nicht verantwortlich für die Lizenzierung der Software im öffentlichen Repository.

Software Package Manager for Windows provides a quick way to install and update software....

Select a software from the repository and RuckZuck handles the download and installation for you. RuckZuck can detect and update existing software that was not installed with RuckZuck.

Aug22: ApiKey will be required to get definitions

As the Api is more and more overloaded with requests that will bulk dump the software definitions, the API function "GetSoftwares" will require an APIKey. API-Keys can be requested by sending me a DM or by opening an Issue here on GitHub.

Changes in V1.7.x:

New REST API which brings some general changes:

Statistics and Figures of the Project:

2015: http://rzander.azurewebsites.net/ruckzuck-packagemanager-v1-0/

2016: https://rzander.azurewebsites.net/ruckzuck-figures-for-2016/

2017: https://rzander.azurewebsites.net/ruckzuck-figures-for-2017/

2018: https://rzander.azurewebsites.net/ruckzuck-figures-for-2018/

2019: https://rzander.azurewebsites.net/ruckzuck-figures-for-2019/

2020: https://rzander.azurewebsites.net/ruckzuck-figures-for-2020/

2021: https://rzander.azurewebsites.net/ruckzuck-figures-2021/

2022: https://rzander.azurewebsites.net/ruckzuck-figures-2022/

RuckZuck components

RuckZuck_Tool (RuckZuck.exe)

The RuckZuck.exe is a portable tool with a UI to install or update applications from the RZ repository.

RZGet (RZGet.exe)

Successor of RZUpdate.exe.

Install a Software from Shortname : RZGet.exe install "<Shortname>"[;"<Shortname2>"] [/cleanup]
Install a Software from JSON File : RZGet.exe install "<JSON full path>"[;"<JSON full path>"]
Install a Sepcific Version : RZGet.exe install --name "<ProductName>" --vendor "<Manufacturer>" --version "<ProductVersion>"

Update all missing updates : RZGet.exe update --all [--retry] [--user]
Update all missing updates : RZGet.exe update --all --exclude "<Shortname>"[;"<Shortname2>"] [--retry] [--user]
Show all missing updates (delay=days after release) : RZGet.exe update --list --all [--user] [--allusers] [--delay=5]
check if a Software requires an update : RZGet.exe update --list "<Shortname>" [--user]
Update a Software from Shortname : RZGet.exe update "<Shortname>"[;"<Shortname2>"] [--retry] [--user]

Show Metadata : RZGet.exe show "<Shortname>"
Show Metadata for a specific Version : RZGet.exe show --name "<ProductName>" --vendor "<Manufacturer>" --version "<ProductVersion>"

Show full Catalog JSON: RZGet.exe search
Search for a Keyword: RZGet.exe search zip
Search SW in a Category: RZGet.exe search --categories compression
Search for installed SW: RZGet.exe search --isinstalled true
Search for a manufacturer: RZGet.exe search --manufacturer zander
Search for a shortname and return PowerShell Object: RZGet.exe search --shortname ruckzuck | convertfrom-json

UnInstall a Software from Shortname : RZGet.exe uninstall "<Shortname>"[;"<Shortname2>"] [/cleanup]
UnInstall a Software from JSON File : RZGet.exe uninstall "<JSON full path>"[;"<JSON full path>"]
UnInstall a Sepcific Version : RZGet.exe uninstall --name "<ProductName>" --vendor "<Manufacturer>" --version "<ProductVersion>"

OneGet Provider (depreciated)

A Provider for OneGet (part of Win10) to update or install applications from the RZ repository with powerShell.

Examples on: https://github.com/rzander/ruckzuck/wiki/RuckZuck-OneGet-Provider

RZ for Configuration Manager (depreciated)

Allows applications to be imported from the RZ repository into Microsofts System Center Configuration Manager from a UI. It will create ConfigMgr Applications, DeploymentType, Collection and a Deployment. V1.5.1.8 news: https://rzander.azurewebsites.net/ruckzuck-for-configmgr-new-v1-5-18/